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Are you guys bored
On second thought, don't answer that...


"...she hates me because... I killed her sister." He blurts out.

Once those words are out of his mouth I feel my knees go weak.

Oren turns and gets into his jeep. Without one last glance behind, he drives off. I stand there all shocked.

When I walk inside the house, my dad and Jenna are already asleep so I head directly for my room.

I take a quick shower and go to bed.

I lay awake half of the night just thinking about what Oren told me earlier.

"...she hates me because...I killed her sister."

Did he really kill someone... or was he just saying that to scare me ?


I wake up to the sound of rain softly pattering on my bedroom window. I sit on my bed as I rub my tired eyes. I stretch then stand up and walk towards the bathroom and shut the door.

Minutes later am heading downstairs dressed in a denim dress with a white pull neck underneath. My hair is in a tight pony tail and my shoes are plain sneakers.

"Why are you up this early... it's a Sunday and you need rest." My dad tells me the minute I walk inside the kitchen where he's having breakfast with Jenna.

"I'm going to the mall with a friend." I answer as I take the seat directly opposite from him.

I pour myself the bitter coffee and pick up a bagel from the to-go bag on the kitchen island.

It takes me around fifteen  minutes to finish up with breakfast, once I'm done, I have Will drive me to Charlie's place. When we arrive I see Oren get into his jeep and drive off.

He might have slept over.

Without any second thoughts, I look at Will and blue out ;

"Follow the jeep."

Will flashes me a puzzled look from the rearview mirror and I repeat what I just said ;

"Follow the jeep, please."


After a ten minute drive, Oren's jeep comes to a stop in front of a house quite similar to the ones in my area. He hops out and walks towards the front door ignoring the fact that he's being rained on.

I tell Will I'll call him later when I need a ride home. He protests to leaving me here but I get out of the car anyway.

I run to the poach where Oren is busy ringing the doorbell. Once I reach where he is he instinctively turns and his eyes go wide.

"What are you doing here !" He snaps at me but before I could answer, the door swings open and a little girl in a purple Dora the Explorer onsie steps out.

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