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Hey readers :)
Check out my Instagram. I'm actively posting there more about the book.
i.e ; sneak peaks and unseen scenes ;)

So you can go have a look.
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Here we go...


"...he was Alley's boyfriend. You know... before she... died." Blake's words ring in my ears.

Blake knew Alley... then that means Kristen and Alley knew each other... possibly.

But why would Oren keep something like that away from me ?


Why would he tell
you ?

My subconscious mocks.

Yeah... why would he
tell me ?

"Hey !" Cole snaps his fingers continuously at my face and that brings me back to reality. I didn't know I was that deep in thought.

"How do you know Blake ?" He asks while eyeing me suspiciously but I don't answer.

I sure as hell I'm not going to answer that because I know it'll somehow get Oren in trouble and I don't want that.

I let out a heavy sigh.

Why am I protecting him ...? The guy used me...

Maybe he has a really good reason why...

I don't think so...

"Do you have any aspirins ?" I ask trying to change the subject. Though it's true I need the aspirins to stop the pounding head ache that's starting.

He looks at me questioningly but nods a yes.

Five minutes later I take two aspirins with half a glass of water. Cole places the coffee he just made in front of me. I take it and another five minutes later I've gulped it all.

I rub my temple and wait for the aspirins to kick in.

"Why are you not in school mister ?" I question Cole as he finishes his own coffee.

He chuckles. "I had to stay to drive you home and to keep Oren away from you in case he came back... which he did." Cole says, whispering the last past.

I let out a heavy sigh.

That was the last thing I expected for him to say.

I fumble with my words, because I don't know what to say.

"What did he want ?" I finally ask... already knowing the answer.

"Is that really a question Sky ? He wanted to see you... His eyes were bloodshot red. It's like he didn't sleep last night.

He had fresh bruises on his knuckles, clear evidence he was in a fight. His lower lip was burst open... Oh, and he still had last night's clothes on."

I felt my heart clench, a sad emotion coming upon me and tears filling my eyes.

Where the hell did he go after dropping me last night ?

Did he go back to Blake's mansion ?

Did he get into a fight with Blake ? Or... Kel ? Or that bar tender that couldn't stop flirting with me...?

"Damn ! He really doesn't play when it comes to you." Cole says and my jaws clench.

I know Oren, he's possessive, nice, kind (in his own way), caring,cautious...

...but ...

... despite those positive attributes, he is also very ruthless, a tyrant, cold and heartless.

"I want to go home." I whisper more to myself.

"Why don't I drive you home..." He offers and I accept.


Cole's car is a red jeep that is quite similar to Oren's but I prefer Oren's more.

I can't believe me right now...

The drive to my place is quiet. Cole turned off the radio because I requested for the silence.

Everything around me felt so gloomy.

I take out my phone from my bag and turn it on. I get a hundred and fifty one notifications.

A hundred and twelve of them are missed calls from my dad, while thirty eight of them are text messages from him.

I go through each and every one of them and it's just him saying how angry and worried he is.

The last text is from an unknown number. I open it and I immediately know who sent it.

Unknown number ; I'm sorry... for everything.

...it reads.

I roll my eyes and save it as Oren.

Sometimes I just want to put him in a headlock and...

Uuugh !


When Cole stops his jeep outside my place I see my dad standing on the front porch talking to two police officers.

He's in his usual black suit ready for work so I guess he was going to wake me up then leave for work but realized I wasn't in my room, meaning I didn't sleep at home.

I look closely at them and one of the officers is scribbling on a notepad while the other is sipping steaming hot coffee from a Starbucks paper cup while listening to whatever delusional information my dad is telling them.

"I should go." Cole says and I nod a yes.

I sense his uneasiness.

I guess he has a history with the cops.

I hop off the jeep and watch him drive away.

The air feels different. The sky has turned darker and the feeling I get from standing in the breeze makes my skin chill.

Once Cole's car is out of sight I turn only to see my dad standing a metre from me.

He's angry.

You think ?!

"Where the hell have you been young lady ?! ...and who was that boy that dropped you off ?" He spits out.

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