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🎵Listen to Alive by Khalid🎶


... I can't swim.

I try holding my air but I wasn't given time to inhale enough of it.

Just as I'm about to give up I feel strong arms wrap around my waist. I'm then pulled up to the surface but I can't breathe.

"Skyler !" Oren's voice rings from a distance.

I feel someone's lips on mine as they try to help me breath. My chest is being pumped and that's the most painful thing ever.

"Skyler !"

There goes my name again.

My eyes snap open. I abruptly sit up and vomit the pool water.

Once I'm done Oren leans down, swoops me in his arms and carries me bridal style.

Due to my near death experience, I find myself all sobered up.

We head to the room located to us. Once inside Oren places me on the couch and turns to lock the door.

"Skyler" He calls but I don't bother looking up.

"Skyler are you okay ?" He asks and I remain quiet.

"Skyler talk to me." He urges ; worried ness evident in his tone.

Worriedness my ass...

"Skyler... is there something I did wrong ?" He asks and I chuckle.

I turn to face him and thats when I notice his clothes are all wet.

He saved me...

...he cares ...?

I let out a deep growl.

Shut up thoughts !

Stop destroying my ego.

I mean... the guy has been using me all this time.

"Your joking right ?!" I spit out.

"I'm not known for my sense of humor."

I get up and walk to him.

"Fuck you Oren !" I snap in front of his face.

"You were using me to get that stupid internship at Quinn Tech !" I shout.

"You were eavesdropping on my conversation with Kristen ?" He asks.

Unbelievable !

"I drop such a big bomb and all you care is about your stupid conversation with your damn girlfriend !"

"She's not my girlfriend." He says.

I shake my head and walk towards the bed. I'm cold and shivering.

I take off the wet dress not caring that he's watching. Once it's out off body I throw it in his face.

"Very mature Sky." I hear him mutter.

I walk towards his duffle bag and remove one of his white t-shirts and black sweats. I put them over my wet undergarments.

I pull the waist band of his sweats so it can fit me properly. I then tie the t-shirt at the back.

"Sky where are you going ?" Oren asks when he sees me putting all my things back in my bag.

"None of you damn business !" I shout at him.

Once I'm done I walk by him and head downstairs.

"Sky you have no shoes. " He says but I don't care.


When I get downstairs I get all these weird glares like I've grown a third eye.

I push my way to the front door.

Once outside, cold breeze hits me and I feel a little bit better.

I walk towards a bin next to a rose garden and sit down. I take out my phone and check the time.

9:00 pm

I need to get home.

A wave of nausea hits me. I abruptly stand up and vomit inside the bin.

"Sky... are you okay ?"

I turn to see two Kels staring at me. I lift a finger and see two of them.

I guess I'm not sober.

"Fuck off." I snap at him, grab my bag and start walking to whoever knows where.

Where's the damn gate ?

As I'm still walking a black jeep stops beside me.

"Get in." I hear Oren say in his usual, everyday cold tone.

"Fuck off." I say and continue walking.

"Get in, I need to get you home. You have no means to take you ..."

I don't answer.

My eyes start stinging and tears threaten to fall and I let them.

Why did I agree to come with him ?

I would have been better off not coming... I would have been better not knowing him.
He isn't good enough for me but my heart isn't agreeing.

I stop and turn towards the jeep. I open the back door and hop in.

"Don't you dare talk to me. Take me to Charlie's place." I say between sobs.

He's changed into a white t-shirt, similar to the one o have on and blue jeans.

"Seatbelt" He says and I flash him a death glare through the rearview window. He exhales sharply through his nose and starts driving.

I take out my phone and text Charlie telling her I'll be over in forty five minutes. Once I'm certain the text has gone through I lean on the window and watch the dark streets of Illinois.

I see Oren's hoodie on the seat next to him. I lean foward and pick it up. He doesn't stop me as expected.

I put it on and inhale his intoxicating cologne as Khalid's Alive plays on the radio.


Oren's jeep comes to a stop at the front black gate of the Kruse residence.

"We're here." He says and I'm startled by the sudden voice, I flinch immediately sending my hand to grab both my bag and the car door handle.

With a quick pep-talk internally and a breath, I force myself out.

"Skyler" Oren calls out.

I look down at him and he's fidgeting. He clears his throat then looks up again.

"I like y-"

"Don't" I stop him from finishing. "I don't want to hear it."

I start crying again.

I bang the car door and run towards Charlie who's standing on the porch dressed in pink shorts and a black tank top.

She folds me in a tight hug and I cry on her shoulders.

"Sky ..." She calls out. "Why are you wearing Oren's clothes ?"

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