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🎵Listen to Arcade (Loving You Is A Loosing Game) by Duncan Laurence🎶


*2 weeks to dance*

I prefer the seats in the library rather than these ones in the computer lab.

Reason ?

The ones in the library are way more comfortable. Point home.

I've been sitting here, in the school's computer lab for the last two hours doing some research on the three items Charlie found in Blake's house.

I really don't see anything suspicious about a shopping list, key card and an agency card.

I let out a sigh then pick up the shopping receipt that belonged to Blake.

I hadn't gone through it but I decide to do it now.





Root beer

...nothing seems to be out of the ordinary except for...

Baby milk formula.


Why would he be buying baby milk formula ?

I quickly pick up the key card and scan it both sides. It was a black hotel card with the words ;

Mifflin Grand Hotel

...written on it in gold.

I turn on the computer and head to google. I type the hotel's name and press search.

Mifflin hotel is a grand hotel situated three hours outside of Illinois.

Why would he have a key card, from a hotel located three hours from here ?

I google about the black card and it belongs to Mifflin Hotel's penthouse.

What the hell is Blake up to ?

I pick up the third item Charlie found, that is, the agency card. It is a green and white card with the words ;

Houghton Agency

...written in black.

I google the agency and what comes up I'm the search results leaves my mouth wide open.

Houghton Agency is a nanny agency.

Okay. Now I'm beyond curious.


Why would Blake have a nanny agency card ?

Why would he be needing a nanny ?

The ringing of the school's bell brings out of my daze.

End of my free period.

I abruptly pick up my bag and shove the three items inside. I clear the computer's browser history and rush to class.

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