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Writer's block got the best of me :(

Any who... Enjoy


"Where the hell have you been young lady ?! ...and who was that boy that dropped you off ?" He spits out.

I open my mouth to say something but no words come out.

Right now he's seething with anger and I don't think it's wise for me to say anything, even if it's answering whatever questions he's asking.

The two officers walk to my dad. The one holding a notepad whispers something to my dad's and my dad whispers back.

A few seconds later they both
get into their car and drive away.

I take a deep breath then shift my gaze back to my dad.

"What happend to your hair ?" He asks in a low calm tone.

"I returned it to its original color" I say.

"Why ..." He asks.

I don't even know why he's asking. He too was part of the reason why I dyed it blonde.

When dad and mom separated he always made me wear a cap or a marvin to hide my hair because he said ; I looked a lot like mom and that wasn't helping him forget her.

I close my eyes slightly and shook my head. "Can I go to my room ?" I ask calmly although my inner self is screaming at her highest pitch.

He looks me in the eyes with a straight face. I wait for answer but he gives me none, so I turn and head to my room.


When I enter my room it's in a mess. My clothes are thrown all over the floor. Papers are everywhere.

My bed is bare. My comforter, sheets and duvet are all on the floor.

What happened here ?

Before I even put my finger on whatever happened my mind clicks to who it was...

Jenna !

What was she looking for ?!

"Skyler !"

I turn too see my dad standing at the door. He looks angry and disappointed all at once.

"I asked you where the hell were you !" He shouts. "I was worried ...! Do you know children services and the court could take you when they find I'm un aware of your location for more than twenty four hours .....?!" He spits.

Once those words come out of his mouth I feel a familiar anger crawl up my skin.


I chuckle and he stares at me like I've grown a third eye.

"All you care about is what the court says ! When was the last time we had a meal together...? When was the last time we talked...? Laughed...?"

He doesn't answer. Instead he just stares at me, guilt evident on his face.

"In two weeks we'll be leaving for Italy and I don't want to go ! You never asked me if I wanted to go... you just make decisions for me. I'll be eighteen soon and I'll go to mom !"

Warm streaks of tears start falling and I swear I hear my heart break.

I let my bag fall to the ground and cry even harder.

My dad walks towards me and folds me into a tight hug. I cry harder and louder but he let's me be.

His expression flickered from angry to upset.

Is he upset with me...? Or himself...?

"I miss mom." I say.

"Me too." He whispers inaudibly but I know what I heard.


*Next day...*

When I enter school something seems off...

I meet Charlie at our lockers and we then head to our first period together.

My dad called tge principal yesterday and told him I was sick and I couldn't come.

I'm glad he did that.

He also didn't go to work so we could spend a day together.

Charlie brushed the whole Oren incident away said and she's talking to me.


I knew it.

I say to myself as I enter the library during my free period and see Oren seated on his usual seat.

He has on Hus usual black t-shirt, black jeans and black army boots. His hair is a lot messier than usual and his tattoos are a lot visible.

He looks up and our eyes meet. He looks tired and his eyes are bloodshot.

Has he not been sleeping well ?

Are the nightmares keeping him awake ?

I shift my face to his knuckles and they're covered in bandages. His hands are full of cuts and he seems uneasy.

He looks thinner and his skin is paler than usual.

Is he okay...?

Dumbass ! Does he
look okay to you ?!

I clear my throat then occupy the sit directly opposite from him.

I take out my math text books and a note pad. When I look up he's looking at me–no... staring. He's staring at me.

"You came ?" He asks.

"I have a math test next week on Monday, I'm not going to mess up my grades because I'm mad at you."

"Okay... let's begin." He says then sighs painfully, making me get mixed feelings and one of them is... guilt ?

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