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In the previous chapter... Y'all thought it was Oren taking Sky to the ball ;)

{evil laugh}

Any who... I've been dying to write this chapter lmao...


🎵Listen to The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez🎶


The drive to school takes longer than expected and I only notice that I've been absent mindedly chipping the nail polish on my right pinkie when I look at my lap and spot the lavender flakes lying there.

"Is everything okay ?" Cole asks from the driver's side and I absent mindedly nod.

It will be.

I inwardly pep myself.

Fifteen minutes later we are at the student's parking lot of Sparling High. The parking is crowded and it takes minutes for Cole to find a spot to park his jeep.

I take out my mask from my purse, put it on and open the jeep's door but when I'm about to hop out, Cole gets hold of my upper arm.

"We need to talk." He says in a flat tone and I know nothing good is going to come out if it.

I close the jeep's door and settle back on my seat.

"About ?" I ask.

"Why did you ask me to be your date last minute ?"

And there it is...

Deep down I knew that was what he was going to ask me.

I let out a forced chuckle hoping he'll believe that it's genuine.

"I didn't have one." I answer truthfully.

"Bullshit Sky. What about Oren ?"

I let out a sigh.

I'm tired about everyone not believing that I didn't have a date.

First my grandma, then Will and now Cole.

I push the jeep's door open and hop out. I look back at Cole and he's staring at me.

"It's a beautiful night, let's not ruin it. Please."


The ball's\dance's venue is at the school hall and it's fully packed when Cole and I arrive.

The whole place is beautifully decorated in pink and black ; weird combo, I know... but who am I to complain ?

We meet up with Gale and Charlie who are seated on the makeshift bar drinking cocktails.

To be honest, I hardly recognized them due to their mask ; heck ! I hardly recognized anyone here.

"You look nice." Charlie tells me over the music and I yell a thank you.

Cole gets bored hanging out with us and goes to his usual group of people.

He lasted longer than I anticipated.

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