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Hey dears,
Happy Easter 🐰


🎵Listen to Rare by Selina Gomez🎶


*3 months later*

Why am I the type of person that still believes someone's a good person even when they've shown me a million times that they're not ?

Hmm ?

As usual, I'm talking about Oren.

The noise from our school's soccer team, the neighboring school's soccer team and the crowd full of fans is not enough to distract me from watching Ivy and Oren devour each other's face.

Yeah, you heard me right. Oren and Ivy.

They're a couple now.

Apparently, the Oren who doesn't date, has started dating.

It has been six months since I joined this school and three months since I talked to Oren.

Ever since that night when we found out that Alley isn't dead,  Oren and I have never spoken to each other.

He made it clear he wanted nothing to do with me when he came the next Monday and kissed Ivy in front of me.

Damn !

I still remember that day like it was yesterday but it wasn't, all that happened three months ago... yet it still hurts.

It hurts so much.

I was so convinced he told me he loves me that night during the masquerade ball that I became basically blind.

When he kissed
Ivy in front of me that day, he proved something...

...I'm a dumb seventeen year old who's a hopeless romantic...


Charlie shouting in my ear brings me out of my thoughts.
I angrily turn to face her and she's cheekily smiling at me.

"Why the hell would you do that. They haven't scored yet !" I snap.

"You were staring." She says pointing on my right side.

I turn to see Ivy on Oren's lap.

"Again" She adds and I feel embarrassed.

I cover my face with both hands and let out a deep groan.

"This is so embarrassing." I murmur to myself but I'm sure Charlie heard me.

"Why don't we get out of here ?" Charlie suggests and I agree.

This is why I love Charlie so very much.

We both get up, pick our bags and make our way out of the crowded bleachers.

As we're maneuvering our way out, I see Oren staring at us through the corner of my eyes.

His expression is is cold and his eyes are glowing blue. I feel the urge to cry but I refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing his insult had its intense effect.

Him eyeing us leave just proves me right about one thing  ; he was making out with Ivy just for me to see.


For once in a million years the hallways of Sparling High is not so crowded and for that I'm glad. The last thing I want right now is to bump into someone.

As Charlie and I make our way  to the parking lot, she suddenly freezes mid step. I turn to see what made her stop abruptly and my question's answered when I see Gale standing with Adeline in front of the school nurse's office.

Gale and Charlie broke up a month ago... wait, let me rephrase that ; Charlie broke it up with Gale a month ago.

Though Gale doesn't know it, Charlie broke up with him for all the right reasons.

Absurd ?

Actually, no.

Gale has had a crush on Adeline for a very long time but since he was the shy type, he couldn't bring himself to talk to her.

A few weeks before Charlie calling things off with Gale, she said that she saw the way both Adeline and Gale looked at eachother, and since Adeline had gone through a breakup and was single, Charlie decided to let go of Gale so he could be with Adeline.

I guess that did make sense, I mean both Gale and Adeline are nerds so they are... compatible.

"Lets go." I say to Charlie.

She let's out a heavy sigh and follows me outside.

We get into Cole's red jeep since Charlie drove it to school today. I take the driver's seat and buckle up.

For the last three weeks Charlie has been my driving instructor. She's taught me all the facts and figures in driving and I'm pretty good at it.

I still don't have my driving license yet, but I will go apply later.

I start driving, making sure to avoid the main roads and highways.

Wouldn't want to attract the cop's attention because last time I checked ; I have no license.

Charlie turns on the radio and we sing along to Selina Gomez's Rare.

"Our love lives are the worst." I suddenly say after fifteen minutes of driving.

"I officially hate Saturdays." She responds.


The smell of dandelions, tulips and roses make me sneeze as I enter the house.

It's not that I'm allergic to any of the flowers, they all do smell nice... separately but, their smell combined is just too much.

"What's going on ?" I ask the many people running around the house putting up flowers but none of them spares me a single glance.

I walk to the kitchen and as I guessed, there's a catering team preparing dinner. I check the time on my wrist watch and it reads 4:10 pm.

Isn't it too early for dinner ?

I walk to the back yard and there's candles everywhere.

We only live two people in this whole damn house. I didn't set any of this, then that means my dad did.


I chuckle to myself.

My dad wouldn't be crazy enough to set all this up. There's only one person who could push him to do so.

My face goes pale.

No way...

"Nice to be seeing you Skylar."

I wish I could say the same...

I hesitantly turn to be met by the devil herself.


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