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I'll be slowly editing the
book ;)

I think the song reference fits this chapter better.


🎵Listen to Rehab by Rihanna🎶


Something fishy is going on... and I'm going to find out.


The drive back home is quiet ; for me that is.

Charlie tries to make small talks with me but I don't respond.

I really do want us to talk but I just can't.

My mind is still occupied with the events that happened earlier.

You know ; the whole Blake kicking us out incident.

On a truthful note, I wasn't happy with Blake kicking us out. I know I stepped on the line when I started asking about Alley and I'm sorry about that.

But, I needed, and still need Oren to be okay and the only way that's going to happened is if I get to know the whole story about Alley. And I'm going to know it, one way or another.

"I don't know what Oren wanted from Kristen ! NOW LEAVE !"

Blake's previous words ring in my head. He was acting weird.

...and today the mansion was quiet, there was no party which just added to my suspicions...

...and he seemed to be stress drinking which just peaked my suspicion.

I let out a sigh.

Only God knows how badly I wanted to slap that arrogant look on his face.

I turn on the radio in hopes that it would distract me. Ten minutes later I hear Charlie call out my name and that brings me out of my daze.

"We're here." She says.

I look out the the window and see that we've stopped in front of my home.

I mouth a thank you, open the door and step out. When I'm about to slam the car door shut Charlie clears her throat.

I look down at her and she flashes me a smile.

"I love and trust you Sky..." She begins saying. "I very badly want to know what you were doing with my sister's boyfriend but I won't inquire because I trust you."

Her voice had gone several octaves low yet it was firm as if asking to be obeyed and I find myself smiling back at her.


She hands me a shopping receipt, key card and an agency card.

I eye her questioningly.

"What are these for ?" I ask.

"While you were busy yelling at Drake-"

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