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Things can't get any bad.


I wake up with a start.

My breathing is heavy and my t-shirt is soaked wet from sweat. I feel cold and I'm uncomfortable in my leather skirt.

I close my eyes again before opening them again. I'm still seated on the cold tiled kitchen floor of the Kruse residence and my body is freezing.

Someone's watching me...

I turn to see Oren standing at the door. He's changed into grey sweats and a white t-shirt.

"What are you still doing here ?" He asks. His voice cold as always.

I look up at the kitchen wall clock.

9:00 pm

"My dad and Jenna are in Florida and have locked the house. The key cards we both hav give us access to the main gate only...

not the house doors. I have nowhere to sleep tonight." I answer.

He doesn't say anything and I'm releaved.

I watch him walk to the fridge and remove a tub of chocolate flavored yoghurt. He picks a spoon from one of the many white cabinets then turns to leave.

"You were right..."

I shout at his back and that stops him.

"You were right Oren. I pretend like my life is this perfect fairy tale when it's not. I changed my hair color so people would love me. I changed my dress code so Jenna would stop judging me."

He turns so that he's facing me.

"My mom was a waitress when she met my dad. They became lovers and two months later she found out she was pregnant with me.

They got married a month later and eight months later I'm born.

All my life they've been fighting and when I turned sixteen they dropped the not so shocking bomb... they're getting a divorce and each one is fighting for full custody over me since I wasn't eighteen yet.

I'm not the... perfect girl who I pretend I am.

I have three weeks before leaving for Italy and not once have I told my dad I don't want to go."

I start crying again. My usual ugly sobs. Right now I feel ugly. Especially with the knowledge that my face is smeared with black mascara.

I watch Oren place the tub of yoghurt on the kitchen island then crouch in front of me on the floor. He then does the unexpected...

He folds me into a tight hug and places his lips on the top of my head.

My heart rate slows, my mind becomes blank, and my whole body starts to relax.

"I'm ugly." I say between sobs.

"No you're not." He whispers.

"That's how I feel."  I whisper back but he shushs me by tightening the already tight hug.

I quickly wipe the sad look in my face.

Oren breaks the hug minutes later after I'm all calmed down. I look up at him and he's busy staring at me.

"When my mom was in college she got pregnant with me. When she told my dad, he denied her... so she basically had to raise me by herself. When I turned twelve, she met Damian and they got married a year later.

Alley was the only person who understood me. She was the only one who knew what I was going through.


Though reckless and fun... she was my inner peace. When she died... I lost my sister... my cousin... and my best friend. I lost an angel that day. My angel."

When Oren finishes talking I'm the one crying. A single tear falls from my eye but he wipes it before it falls.

He holds my face with both his hands and forces me to look at him. My ocean eyes hold his deep ones.

My breathing hitches when his gazes meets mine for a known hungry look had taken over his blue eyes.

"You are so damn  beautiful." He says, his voice thick.

I chuckle, though my voice is quiet and shaky. "No one is beautiful under fluorescent light."

"Yet you are." He says while leaning towards me. His masculine scent floods my nostrils.

Before I know it Oren has his warm lips on mine.

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