
683 39 1

Listen to Just a Little Bit of Your Heart by Ariana Grande


What the hell is going on ?

"Oren... are you okay ?"

I repeat my question from earlier hoping that he'll answer, but he doesn't. Instead he sleeps calmly on my chest while I spoon him.

How long has he been having nightmares ?

Does Jessica know ? Does his dad know ? Does anyone know ?

I look down at Oren's sleeping face and he looks so tired... worn out and... vulnerable.

He's not the same bad boy everyone in school knows and fears. At least not when he's with me. When he's with me he's a whole different kind of person.

Ten minutes pass and Oren starts hyperventilating again. His breathing becomes heavy and he starts to shakes.

"Alley leave me alone... " Oren mutters.

"I won't tell them ! They'll get mad at you."

The fuck !!!

Alley is Charlie's dead sister.

I try waking him up but he doesn't budge.

"I didn't do it !  I didn't do it ! I didn't do it !  I didn't do it ! " He mutters continuously.

I pull him closer to me and place my lips on the top of his head.

His breathing calms down and he falls asleep.

He's having nightmares about Alley... His cousin... The girl he apparently 'killed' via an overdose.

...but... he just said he didn't do it...

What on earth is going on ?!


The loud ringing of a phone wakes me up. I rub the sands in my eyes while slowly opening my eyes. It's still dark outside but the rain has stopped.

I try to stretch only to find my body incased in another, along with two strong arms wrapped around me.

Oren !

I turn to see Oren peacefully lying on bed. I gently untangle myself from him and get out of bed.

I scan the room for the loud ringing and  that's when I see  Oren's phone lying on the floor near my white fur couch.

I go pick it up and check the caller ID.

Unknown number.


I pick up without thinking twice. I turn to face Oren but he's still deep asleep. I doubt he'll hear me even when I shout.

"Sky...?! Where's Oren ? I'm worried... I called his friends but they have no idea where he is and he blocked my number... I'm so worr-"

Jessica ?!

"Jessica !" I cut her off. "He's fine. He's here in my room... with me... He's sound asleep. "

I suddenly feel embarrassed for telling Oren's mom that he's sleeping in a room.

"Oh ! You guys are-"

"No !" I again cut her off. "It's not what you think. We were locked in my room... so he had... to stay over."

Okay, that statement sounds way stupid now that I've said it out loud.

"Sky...?" I hear Jessica call out from the other side of the phone.

I snap out of my daze and get back to her.

"Why don't you come over tomorrow after school... there's something I need to tell you. It's about Oren."

With that she ends the call not letting me say anything about her invite.

I place Oren's phone next to mine and crawl back to bed. I check the time on my alarm clock.

4:30 am

I let out a heavy sigh and go back to sleep.


I open my eyes and blink a couple of times as early morning light streams onto my bed.

I hesitantly turn and see Oren standing  by the window, his back to me.  He seemingly looks preoccupied with the cumulus clouds on the perfect blue sky outside.

I remain quiet and slowly drink his features. He then streaches out his arms allowing his black t-shirt to ride up slightly... exposing the bare skin on his hip.


The view point before me is indeed breathtaking...

As if sensing someone is watching him he turns, but thanks to my fast reflexes I close my eyes and pretend that I'm still asleep.

I hear him walk towards me. He stands beside the bed, but that's close enough to cast a shadow over me. He remains quite and one might think he left.

...but I know he's there...

I then hear movements and I know he has crouched next to me.

" Skyler " He calls out.

The way he says my name-as though it's some kind of rare delicacy... gives me a slight shiver up my spine.

It's the first time he has said my name and I like the way it sounds on his lips.

I don't open my eyes and neither do I respond to him calling. I lie there, my eyes closed, calculating his next move.

The air becomes heavy and charged.

He leans close to me, and I feel his face just a breath away from mine. Right now I feel trapped... but not in a bad way.

Then the unexpected happens...

He kisses my forehead...

Gently. Softly.

I freeze in total stupor and my face turns a faint pink.

He gets up abruptly and a second later I hear my bedroom door quietly open and close.

I snap my eyes open and sit up. I lift my hand and trace my forehead where Oren's lips were just a few seconds ago.

I shiver deliciously.

Right now I want to know more about Oren. I want to learn more about him than just his general likes and dislikes or his overall personality.

I want to know his story.

Hey guys,

I'll be placing song references where I feel a song is needed🙃

Though not all chapters will get songs...


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