Chapter 23 Awake

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Sometimes waking up is the worst thing in the world. Like at this moment. It was now Monday, my head hurt and I was sweating like crazy. My anxiety was through the roof knowing it was my first day back to school after that long realistic dream I had. I was terrified to find out where everything stands.
I forced myself out of bed and grabbed a random pair of clothes and headed for the bathroom to get ready. I could hear my mom turning on the tv downstairs to listen to the news and start on making her usual coffee. What I wanted to know was if we were still having money troubles in the real world. Would I need to get a job?
When I was dressed I grabbed my bag and slipped on my converse and took the steps at a normal pace. I stopped at the front door and looked outside. Out standing a little away from my drive way was two of the people who chased me daily. I took a deep breath and kept in the tears. I told myself I was going to get through this.
I grabbed a water from the fridge saying a quick good morning to my mom and pulled out my earbuds from my bag. I plugged them into my iPod and put my music on shuffle. One ear bud in my ear like I used to- usually do. Once my iPod was in my pocket I told my mom a goodbye and walked the now really long hallway to the front door. I stood in front of it, staring at it as my mom passed me to go upstairs. I peaked out the window. The two had now turned into 4. Remembering to be quick and quite I took another deep breath and silently opened the door. I bent down behind the bushes on the side of my house and kept my eyes focused on the 4. I silently crept along side the house hidden and then pulled up my hood heading behind my house and into my neighbors back yard. I didn't want to run today.
I walked into the woods and walked parallel to my usual route on the sidewalk. Hoping no one would notice. I even turned off my music and hung the earbuds around the back of my neck so I could hear everything around me. The twigs and leaves crunching under my feet and the branches as I moved them out of my way. Was this how it was going to be now? Was I really going to resort to hiding in the woods as I walked to school. Was that how low I was?
I was ashamed of myself. Disgusted.
By the time I thought the coast was clear I was close to the school. I saw busses rolling in to the driveway and a few stray students walking. Cars were flying by and getting backed up in a line to enter. Lots of people we hanging around in the front yard of the school waiting for a bell to signal them to homeroom. The usual cliques spanned out, the loud laughter, the random games of soccer, football and hacky-sack. Walking through I caught short parts of stories or gossip and the few people who'd give me those horrible judgmental glares that made me want to dig a hole and hide.
I just wanted to get to homeroom and get this day over with.
I made to the door without so much as a shove and I was feeling a little too lucky. I grabbed onto the door handle to pull it open when the door flew wide and into my body. I stumbled backwards as the laughing oblivious person coming out kept pushing on the door and I held on so as to not fall. It wasn't working. I lost my grip and fell back behind the open door and onto the hard concrete. That's when the boy noticed me.

"Oi watch where your going girl" he snapped with a two second glance in my direction and walked off followed by his friend. I wanted to cry.
I got up quickly and rushed into the building, I was a little sore from the door, and the weight on my heart wasn't helping. I got into my home room, took my seat in the empty room and laid my head on the desk holding the the tears the best I could.

The two boys rude boys, were Alex and Jack.


Ugh I suck at updating I'm soooooooooo sorry!!!! Btw future hearts is brilliant and I'm in love with it (:

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