Chapter 18

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It was 3 weeks later. And that party had actually gone well. I had fun, only had one drink and danced with Alex the whole time, he insisted on dancing with me so we did, of course my feet hurt really bad the next day but oh well. I had fun.

I was right that the band and flyzik and Greico would be there. There was a ton of other people that I saw in school before to but never talked to. Obviously. But I didn’t let them get to me, I had fun and that’s all that matters.

During school I stuck but Rian, Jack and Alex like glue, I don’t think they minded, if they did they would’ve told me right? Once in a while I’d see Flyzik or Greico In the hallways and of course they’d wave.

In the morning before school started and everyone was hanging out till the bell rings, I’d sit with Alex, Jack and Rian outside on the steps and a couple times Greico or Flyzik caught up to us and sat with us. They only reason they didn’t every day was because of girlfriends.

The 6 boys were getting ready to go on their first tour. It was exciting. They were nervous and jumpy about it and talked about it non-stop. It was funny really. As far as I knew they spent most of their band practice talking about it. I wasn’t always able to go because of my job.

But when I saw them at school they talked about it then too. They had already been in the studio twice with a guy whose name I don’t know. Since Alex had so many songs already written up they had already recorded a few songs. For a small EP type album, but it wouldn’t really be counted as an Ep. I didn’t think it made any sense, but Alex insisted that it did.

They were thinking of names to call this small album and the one name that stuck out with me was, ‘The Three Words To Remember In Dealing With The End’ all the boys had liked the name the most but they hadn’t set it into stone yet.

They weren’t sure if they were going to take this Ep, but not an Ep on the mini tour with them or think up a few newer songs to sing. In my opinion, which I had voiced to them one afternoon that I had off, was for them to tour with one Original song and the rest of the set covers so that people know were there music style was headed in the future.

There were some agreements about that too.

Work for today was as usual, I showed up on time, got ignored by my co-worker, organized some cds and then it was time to go home, I got a message from Alex and talked to him about band practice that night, got a shower and went to bed.

That was just about every night.

It was now Friday afternoon, the bell had rung and the class sprung out of their seats and ran to get to the busses. Everyone was excited for the weekend, I was too cause that meant no school but I still had to go to work. I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder and picked up my art project that was due on Monday, I had it taped onto a wooden board to hold it.

I was nearly done with it; just like the sketch I was working on the day I met Alex, the album cover for Green Day’s American Idiot.  I was just making it bigger, I didn’t have to add color to it, but I wanted too. I had a box of colored pencils in my bag ready for use.

I was the last to leave the room, I didn’t have to hurry to the bus, I just lived down the street, but I wasn’t going home I was going to work. I nodded my head as a goodbye to the teacher who was sitting at his desk.

In the hallway I was pushed and shoved around, it was hard to maneuver through the hallway with this big ass board, but I managed through the day with it. As I got closer to the end of the hallway the crowd around me started to disappear, as I was soon the last person in the hallway.

A door opened up to my side and out walked Alex and Jack laughing about something. They had probably just gotten in trouble for and could care less about. “Hey Jay!” Alex’s face lit up when he saw me, he ran over and through his arm around my shoulder. “JAY JAY!” Jack made up a nick-name on the spot for me and walked to my other side, the boys sticking me into the middle as usual.

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