Chapter 19

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I didn’t even have to knock the door flew open the second I stepped on the porch and I was dragged in by Alex and Flyzik who handed me a Nerf gun. “You’re on our team, I don’t know what happened to Evan, but the other team is Rian, Zack and Jack” I was very confused but very happy at the same time. I loved playing Nerf gun wars.

“Evan’s on either side. He’s the idiot that jumps back and forth and then stays on the team that wins in the end” Flyzik whispered. I shut the door quietly behind me and dropped my bag and art project against the wall. I grabbed the gun from Alex. “So Evan’s the Asshole.” I confirmed making Alex snicker.

“Wow thanks Jay I feel loved” Evan joined our group rolling his eyes playfully and I smiled at him. “You’re welcome” I looked down at my gun and looked up at Alex giving him my evil smile. “If I were against you I wouldn’t like that smile at all” He poked my cheek and I may have gone a little red.

I looked away from him. “Alright boys lets split up and devour the other team. If we don’t win I will never talk to you again. Good? Good. GO!” I ran off fast. Kicking my shoes off so I was left in my socks so I could get around the house quietly and faster.

Would it be sad to say that these are the moments I live for? The moments where I feel 5 again and I run around with a big imagination and pretending that I’m something I’m not. Like now, it’s like we are in a war zone. Or in some building playing lazier tag. No we are in a war zone, that sounds cooler.

When you were a kid and you found the fun in everything, the littlest things amused you and you could run wild with your imagination and it was fun. You could be anything you wanted and you were just that. Everyday you’d be something different and you’d have new people to play with. Whether you were actually alone playing and had imaginary friends or real people were with you and you shared your imaginary friends.

Don’t lie you most likely had imaginary friends. I did. I had tons of them that came and went and I’d share them with Kyle. If one had to leave, or wasn’t around anymore we’d make up a story of why there weren’t around.

Sometimes they left to go fight in the war. Sometimes they went to the moon. One time an imaginary friend died in a brutal game me and Kyle played of hero and villain. He was the villain and killed off my best friend. I didn’t play with him for a good two months after that. 

But you get the point. Those were the days. And if I get the chance to act like it again then I will and now since I’m older and wiser it’s a little more fun, not completely but somewhat. Now I’m able to add newer settings into the game.

It may sound silly. Especially for me to be 16 nearly 17 and running around inside a house with 6 other guys playing war. But you don’t know what you’re missing out on . You’re missing out on a glimpse into your childhood. A small moment where you can reconnect with a younger version of you and have FUN.

All through a little game of war played with Nerf guns.

Hearing footsteps I froze in the living room. I loved the fact that Alex’s house is big, but still homey. There is more room to run around and hide. I can see a lot more games of War being played in the future in Alex’s house.

I ducked and rolled behind the couch. Sitting up into a crouched position I made sure my gun was loaded and ready. I put my finger on the trigger and slowly as the footsteps got closer I pushed off the floor letting my eyes peer over the couch.

There stood in front of the couch stood Rian. It’s funny how I knew it’d be him. I giggled to myself and watched as he walked around with his gun out in front of him like in a spy movie or something, he was scanning the whole room. His body turned to the couch and ducked down silently and imagined him scanning his eyes over to the couch and now to the wall.

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