Senario ~you are short

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Terunori Kuga

This boy looooveed the fact that you were shorter than him. I mean, now he could tease you about your height instead of being teased about his. It made him feel manly, like he could protect you from anything and everything. You put up with his smugness even though you knew very well that you could protect yourself, that the size of your body has nothing to do with the size of you temper. Sometimes it annoyed you that you were shorter than the boy. Like whenever he would on purposefully place something you needed like your keys or phone somewhere where you couldn't reach. Or when he'd make a pun in public about your height or how much you weighed, that ticked you off.

"Stop making fun of my height Kuga!! You aren't that tall yourself so you have no right to say that!

"Sorry, sorry . . . I forgot that you had such a short temper Y/n."


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Akira Hayama

It would seem at first glance that this man didn't care about your height, but to those who knew him well could see that every little thing about your small self he was smitten with.  He has come to expect the women in his life to need help with things in high places, first Jun, now you. He'd never admit it, but he  didn't know what he'd do if you didn't need his help with things, frankly he'd be lost what to do with himself.

"Akira! Have you seen my black beanie?"

"Yeah, its on the top shelf in the closet . . . just wait a second, I'll grab it for you."


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Isami Aldini

Your height wouldn't be what turned him into a pile of squishy mush, it would be your tiny hands that did that. He was absolutely obsessed with them, with the way your fingers barely met the second knuckle of his fingers when the two of you would compare hands. How whenever  you painted your nails it would just  exaggerate how small your finger nails were. He might even have a photo album that was dedicated to your hands he loved them so much.

"Wait Y/n! Let me see your hands! Oh my gosh, I just love this color on you! It looks so kawai!!!

"Wait Y/n! Let me see your hands! Oh my gosh, I just love this color on you! It looks so kawai!!!

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