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"Just because it's summer does not mean you can come and go at any time you want!" Euphemia shrieked at James while Juli and Sirius snickered.

James shot them a glare as they suppressed their smiles and went back to the living room, waiting patiently for James to come inside.

Juli flicked through the Prophet, looking for anything she might find about Voldemort but it was in vain. He was being discreet for now and was good at it.

She sighed and put the paper down, mumbling under her breath.

Sirius looked at her with amusement and pulled her close, resting his head on hers. "You need to relax for a while, Juliette. It'll work out."

"How?!" She huffed, closing her eyes. "There have been no new meetings, no news, what use am I if I am not doing -"

She was interrupted by James marching into the room and flopping down opposite them as his mother followed.

"...not safe and you know it!"

"I just wanted to check on Lily and her family, mum!" He said, moving his arms frantically.

Euphemia then walked and stood in front of him, blocking his view of Juli and Sirius. "That does not mean you go to Muggle London every day. IT'S NOT SAFE!"

Sirius flinched at the voice and moved closer towards Juli, Euphemia's sudden anger reminding him of his mother's shrieks.

"Maybe we can invite Lily over," Fleamont suggested walking into the room and noticing Sirius' discomfort. "No need to fight and disrupt my peace. Have her over. Her family will be safer that way as well."

Mrs. Potter then turned towards her husband, studying him carefully. She then thought for a moment and said, "I am fine with that," she nodded.

"James?" His father asked. "Does that work for you? I will help place charms around her house, too."

James nodded and without another word, walked back to his room. The moment he was out of earshot, Euphemia cleared her throat.

"What?" Mr. Potter asked. "No." He said firmly as realization dawned on him.

She simply shook her head and going behind him, gently pushed him towards the stairs. He groaned and went towards his room. "You will pay for this, Mia." He grumbled.

"We'll see." She replied back.

"What's happening?" Juli asked. "Is something wrong?"

"Well.... no." Her mother said. "It's just that Lily would have come over sooner or later and we needed to talk to James."



"What things?" Juli asked again.

"Just things."

Before Juli could reply, Sirius laughed. "Nooooooo. Tell me he did not went to his room to talk. Like, talk talk."

"I need to prepare for dinner." Euphemia said and walked away.

"Poor Prongs," Sirius said, howling with laughter.

"What is going on?" Juli hit him on the arm.

"A girl is coming over." Sirius explained. "And your father went to talk to James. What do you think it is about."

She finally understood what he meant as they they both burst out into roars of laughter.

* * * * *

"How was it?" Sirius whispered to James as he stared at his food.

"Padfoot," he said. "Every second was longer than the previous one and when I thought it couldn't get worse, it did. Each time."

"That awkward, huh?" Juli asked, trying to suppress a smile.

"You have no idea. Just when I thought he was done, he started talking about having kids while we were still kids!" 

Fleamont and James hadn't looked at each other ever since, the conversation too awkward and weird for both of them.

"God bless you soul." Sirius sighed sarcastically.

A few minutes into dinner, there was a tap on the window and Sirius got up to let the owl in. "Letter from Lils." He said, handing it to Juli.

She read it and smiled. "She is coming over tomorrow once dad has placed the charms. They are inviting us over for dinner as a thank you."

At those words, James' face broke into a grin, forgetting all the awkwardness of the evening. "Does it say anything about me?" He asked eagerly.

"Surprisingly, yes. She said she is grateful for you checking up on her and her family."

Just as she had passed the letter on to James, another tap was heard and everyone looked at each other in confusion, worried if it was Lily with some bad news. Or anyone with bad news for that matter.

Juli got up and allowed the other owl in.

"Looks like Peter's owl." James said.

After untying the letter, she quickly gave both the owls a treat who hooted in appreciation and flew away. Her eyes widened as she read the letter and grabbed the kitchen counter for support.

James and Sirius were at her side in an instant. "What is it, Jules? What' the matter?"

"Peter - he - he said that," she gulped.

"Yes, Love?"

"He was asked by the Death Eaters to join You-Know-Who."

Sirius closed his eyes and sighed deeply as Juli read on.

"He said no, didn't he? What does the letter say?" Euphemia asked worriedly from the table.

Juli nodded. "He is Peter. Of course he said no."

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