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BELLE @jinglebelle
dreams manhunt comes out
tonight, you should watch it
because i'm in it 💕☺️😋

DREAM @dreamwastaken
you won't even promote it on
ur main? :(
BELLE @jinglebelle
i made an alt for a reason dreamie
poo <3
DREAM @dreamwastaken
i hate you so much, words can
not describe my hatred for you.
BELLE @jinglebelle
i loathe you. i wake up and see
you active on social media and
just want to delete all of my
accounts and disappear.
DREAM @dreamwastaken
it took me a week to edit the
manhunt because i had to keep
taking breaks because hearing
ur voice makes me want to
pull my hair out, strand by strand.
BELLE @jinglebelle
i can't go in the car anymore cuz
then i think about road trips, then
i think about ur song, which makes
me think about you, which makes me
want to jump out of my car, and like
the last scenario, disappear.

SAPNAP @sapnapalt
why did you promoting his
video turn into a debate about
who hates who more?
BELLE @jinglebelle
idk but i've been needing to
get that off my chest for a
GEORGE @georgenootfound
you guys are starting to fight
more than we do :(
BELLE @jinglebelle
i'm sorry, george. i still hate you
the most out of everyone here
GEORGE @georgenootfound
aww, i hate you most as well

BBH @saintofgames
we made a good team! :D
BELLE @jinglebelle
we did indeed :)

JACK @jackmanifoldtv
can't wait to watch it! dream
if you see this i'm watching it
for belle and belle only, alright
BELLE @jinglebelle
thank you, jack manifold!
DREAM @dreamwastaken
just admit you're a dream stan,
jack manifold.
JACK @jackmanifoldtv
i'm a belleisgone stan


"alright." belle spoke out to the discord call, "someone keeps blowing up my house on the smp. they are getting on my last nerve." she complained.
"villain arc?" wilbur teased.
"it's coming if this slander doesn't stop." she huffed.
"do you even know who's doing it?" dream asked.
"no idea." she shrugged.
"i'm pretty sure the first time it was skeppy." technoblade chimed in.
"why would skeppy blow up my house?" belle asked.
"accident?" wilbur suggested.

the group talked for a while before splitting off into smaller groups, belle was on the server helping tommy with a cobble tower while he streamed, wilbur, techno and dream were scripting lore and sapnap and george went off to play gta.

"so belle, chats asking important questions." tommy clasped his hands and smirked at his webcam. he knew belle was watching his stream while the spoke.
"what are the questions?" she giggled.
"are you single?" he asked.
"tommy i'm 20." she joked.
"not for me!" he yelled.
"yes, yes i am." she smiled as if he could see her.
"so bellewastaken, eh? what do you think of that?" he questioned.
"it's not gonna happen, but it doesn't bother me or clay so we don't mind getting shipped." she shrugged, collecting more cobblestone.
"why do you always call him clay? you're like the only one who doesn't call him dream."
"because i've just always called him clay, i don't know." she laughed, did it really matter what she called him?

tommy continued to ask questions that you wouldn't usually ask, he tried to get her to answer inappropriate questions and explain to him what certain words meant.

"so like, what's an std?" he asked, "and how do i get one?"
"um, i'm not too sure tommy, maybe you should ask phil that one." she mumbled.
"no i want you to tell me." he deadpanned.
"i'll google it!" she smiled. "it's a super technological device!" she beamed.
"oh i have tons of std's at home!" he yelled.
"mhm tommy." she hummed embarrassed.

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