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I'm so lonely broken angel
I'm so lonely listen to my heart
On n' lonley, broken angel
Come n' save me before I fall apart

"Tahera Tabassum, I'm going to kill you! All of you! All of you deserve to die! I'll curse every single one of you, even if I become a ghost I'll come back to haunt you!" Riya had totally lost it.

Her hatred had become indiscriminate. She would destroy the world if given the opportunity.

Tahera turned back to look at her and jumped in utter shock. Riya's facial bandage had fallen off to reveal a deep gash starting from the top of her left eyebrow all the way across to the bottom of her right cheek.

It practically split her face into two. It was bleeding and tearing apart agitated by Riya's violent movement. Coupled with the fact that she was dragging her powerless lower body across the floor... It was like the night of the living dead!

Tahera had always been a spiritually and mentally strong person but, for some reason, Riya's scary face was forever seared into her mind.

"My god!" A spooked Aaban yelped, "I'd heard her lower body has also been completely paralyzed. This is one tragic end – even for someone like her."

Tahera didn't comment but frowned uncomfortably.

"Sis, what's wrong? You don't look so well," Aaban asked concernedly.

Tahera shook her head. "I'm fine. I guess I just wasn't prepared to see Riya end up in a state like this."

"She asked for it! I'm sure she must be kicking herself for not listening to your advice."

Tahera sighed. "Enough about her. Lead me to see Murad."


Murad's injury wasn't anything serious. A long period of rest and he would be fine.

Tahera told him to focus on his recovery. He could start work after he was fully recovered. After all, the company needed to take a break for them to focus completely on suing Selim and his gang who r*ped Noori.

The thought of how Selim Mirza ended up was Murad's best medicine. His smile was much brighter with a noticeable lack of gloominess that used to surround him.

Aaban was happy too but he was happy for Tahera's sake because she was going to reclaim everything that was hers.

However, Tahera herself was not feeling so well. After her encounter with Riya at the hospital, she was harassed by nightmares every night.

And the nightmare was always the same. It was always about death. Although to be more specifically, it was about deaths.

She dreamt of her own death. She spent a long time at the hospital, slowly tortured by sickness before she passed away. The other dream was about the death of... her son, Tahseen!

In her dream, after Rosa married Taahir, she quickly produced him another heir. After that, the whole family doted on this new arrival to the family.

Tahseen, who was neglected, chose to run away from home but ended up brutally murdered by Rahman Family's rivals and enemies.

Tahera would scare herself awake whenever her dream zoomed in on Tahseen's horrible death.

She shrugged it off when she first encountered this nightmare. She started to worry when it happened for the second time. Then it recurred for the third and fourth time. She had been having the same nightmare for four consecutive days.

Even though Riya did curse them, this was simply too supernatural. Something must be wrong! But she had a hard time figuring out what. Did she suddenly acquire the ability to predict the future?

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