S225(U12): But we're lovely and drunk now

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Author's note:

April 2020 (the exact date is uncertain):

The UK had been in lockdown for three weeks, my wife and I were stuck working from home, I'd completed both Metroid Prime and Super Metroid and we had just finished the last episode of the third old cartoon series we had watched on Disney+. It should have ended there... it did end there. Kim Possible was over. Yet I was not satisfied. Something was not right; something was bothering me... why the hell had Kim and Shego not become an item! On the surface, the answer to this was obvious. This was a cartoon made for children back in the early 2000s by Disney. Ergo, there was no way in hell that two women would ever have been allowed to show any romantic feelings towards one another. Oh, and there was also that small, tiny matter of them being hero and villain; rivals... nemeses. And nemeses, of course, can never, ever fall in love with one another, right? I mean that would be both completely bonkers and lay waste to the entire hero/villain dichotomy.

Perhaps I should have just accepted that fact. Or maybe even listened to the draconian viewpoint of Disney; that two woman... yeah, I'm not even going to finish that sentence because of just how wrong it is; LGBTQ+ power! Anyway, the point is, maybe I should just have accepted things as they were. Let heroes and villains remain on their respective sides of the coin. What I certainly should not have done was turn to the internet. For when you turn to the internet, all self-control goes right out the window. Worse yet, I was diving into the world of fanfiction, something I had not done in years and alas, I had forgotten just how damn addictive that stuff can be, especially in waters as deep as the ship known as KiGo...

At this point in my tale I should probably let you in on a little secret; I'm an author... shhh, don't tell anyone. I also happened to be an author without an active project. About a month prior, I had just finished writing a 250K word fanfiction, which I hadn't exactly planned on writing in the first place! It had left me feeling very fatigued by the end and even a month later, I was still not feeling the drive to return to the sequel to my novel, thus found myself strangely un-busy, creatively speaking. Now, it is probably also important to tell you that I'd been thinking about Kim and Shego... a lot. And I had started to come up with a couple of ideas for how a relationship between them could start, what it would be like and some other relevant stuff, notably involving a three-letter word beginning with s and ending in x... dammit, how did you all guess I have a sax fetish! Regardless, I had already categorically decided that I was not going to write a Kigo fanfic, it just wasn't happening. I would simply read some fanfics and that would sate my need to write Kim and Shego. Besides, someone else had already written a fantastic work that I was thoroughly enjoying and already considering as the cannon continuation of... WAIT, WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE STORY HAS BEEN ABANDONED!!!!!

April 12th 2020:

It was mid-afternoon and I was devastated. I had reached the end of the story I'd been engrossed in for days; that I felt served as an excellent continuation to the show and which had slowly been developing a relationship between Kim and Shego, only to discover it had been abandoned. What the hell was I supposed to do now? The story couldn't just end there! I drifted from one-shot to one-shot, possibly glanced at a few longer works for the rest of the day but could still not scratch that itch I felt. Maybe sleep would help and in the morning it would be gone... it didn't go away.


April 13th 2020:

It was late evening. The author's wife was busy doing... something, he had no idea what, which left him alone in the living room with his PS4, turntable, laptop and an itch that had still not gone away. He thought about putting a video game on, then an LP, but somehow found himself sitting in the armchair with his laptop on his knees.

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