S305(U2): Searching for scars that you hide

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Author's note:

Right, last chapter of the update. This time, the title; Searching for scars that you hide, is taken from the Lindsey Buckingham track Time precious time. Enjoy.


The door to Kim's apartment opened and she and Shego quickly crossed the threshold, the latter closing it behind her with a solid backheel. It had been a quiet walk from Heartbeats. While both women felt a level of giddy excitement that had little to do with the alcohol they had drunk, there had been a slight tension in the air. Neither knew how this would pan out; how far they might go, but both had an eagerness to find out.

"Where do you want to do this; sofa or bedroom?" Shego asked, her gaze falling upon the former. If she picks the sofa, she's probably not thinking beyond second base.

Kim hesitated for a moment, crap, I never thought about that. Her gaze too fell upon the sofa. While spacious and very comfortable for sitting on, it would allow little room for manoeuvre. Her brain conjured up a memory from Amsterdam, specifically of their battle for dominance and subsequent crash to the floor. "Bedroom," she breathed, a slight apprehension to her tone. Oh god, what if she assumes that means I'm willing to go all the way?

Ok, does this mean she's thinking about taking this beyond second? With anyone else, Shego's question would have simply been, "where's the bedroom?" and then she would have marched them off to it without argument, but she'd promised Kimmie they would go at her pace, so she felt compelled to ask, "are you sure? We could just make-out on the sofa if you'd be more comfortable with that?"

A light laugh escaped Kim's mouth, perhaps due to her being quite tipsy. "No, as we'll just end up on the floor again, remember Amsterdam?" that and if this goes beyond top halves, I don't fancy doing it on my living room floor.

"Yeah, I remember," Shego replied, that's a fair point, guess that doesn't necessarily mean she wants to go too far. "Lead on." She then took off her hat and deposited it on the coffee table with her bag.

Kim motioned to head for her bedroom but stopped. Turning, she reached out a hand, which Shego took. Together, they headed down the short hallway and into her bedroom.

The villainess cast her gaze around the room and immediately caught sight of the hero's mission clothes, which were strewn all over the floor. "Are you sure you didn't bring the buffoon's new girlfriend back here this afternoon?"

A quizzical look formed on Kim's face for the briefest of moments, then she caught sight of her black sports bra lying on the floor. She immediately blushed. "I was in a rush to meet you tonight, ok," she replied, feeling thoroughly embarrassed at her friend seeing her bedroom for the first time in this state... and woe betide her if the woman somehow ended up seeing the inside of her microwave.

"If you say so, Kimmie." Shego grinned, "or maybe you had a little fun time while thinking about me before you came out."

Kim's cheeks went from light red to crimson in a heartbeat. "I did not masturbate while thinking about you before I went out!"

Shego laughed. "Your lips say no, but your cheeks say yes, Princess." She paused for a moment to allow her friend's embarrassment to kick up another notch, before adding, "so, do you have a vibrator?"

Mouth hanging open, Kim stared at the villainess incredulously. The sheer waves of embarrassment at having been asked the question were every bit as bad as they had been back in Heartbeats. Knowing that confirming or denying it would likely only amuse the green-skinned woman even further, she chose to try and bulldoze through the matter. "Do you want to do this or not?" she asked indignantly.

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