1 - Ladybug

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Did people think that it was easy being Ladybug and Marinette at the same time? Granted, they didn't really know that I was both, but still! It was like I could barely keep up as it is. 

Luckily, Marinette was popularly known for being late, messy and clumsy, giving me an automatic excuse for my disappearances.

Hawk Moth was really starting to test my patience. Ever since he had started getting more desperate for mine and Chat Noir's miraculouses, he was akumatizing a person a day, sometimes two. 

Mayor Bourgeois, out of sheer fear and helplessness had ordered Chat and I to patrol the streets of Paris every alternate night for signs of akumas. As if they'd show up exactly then, but this was what the Mayor wanted.

It was on one of these patrols that I was now. My yo-yo spun around in my hand out of boredom, and my red and black costume stood against the night. I kept my eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary, or even anyone with negative emotions.

"So milady, how are you doing?" Chat Noir's voice sounded beside me, and I glanced at him. His emerald green eyes were on me.

"Bad" I said, spinning the yo-yo to a stop. "I barely have time for anything anymore. Can you honestly remember the last time that either of us had a hobby?"

"Nope" he replied, popping the p. He walked on the drain pipe of the roof that we were walking on, his hands extended. "It's been a catastrophe"

"One more pun and I'll leave, kitty" I warned him.

He chuckled, but sobered up. "But you're right. I haven't even visited Marinette in ages"

I nearly tripped over my own feet. "Oh really?" I asked, acting as casual as possible. One of these days this was going to be the death of me.

"Yeah" he said. "I feel bad, but there's been a lot going on in my civilian life, like-"

"I'm gonna have to stop you right there my kitten" I grinned at him. "Don't slip up and tell me anything from your other life. You know that it's dangerous. And anyway, our time is up. Until next time!"

He rolled his eyes and smiled back. "Sleep well milady"

With that, he extended his baton and rolled down it to the streets and took off running. I shot my yo-yo to the cell tower on the roof of the most popular bakery in town, and walked into my room. 



Hey guys, this is my first ever story and I'd really love it if you gave it a read and told me what you thought! 

Miraculous Ladybug is a huge part of my life, and it helped me get through some really difficult times. 

I've always loved to read, and I love giving people something good to read too! 

Question of the day: Who's your favourite Miraculous Holder?

xxx S 

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