11 - Marinette

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Alya was staring at me with a special look. This look I'd seen only thrice: when Chloe got me in trouble, when I was expelled against my will, and when Lila villainized me. 

It was her famous look of pity, when there was nothing that could be done.

"Marinette, it can't be that bad" she consoled me gently. "Who did you even get?"

I was too busy staring out into space to care about responding. My life was on the brink of being over, if it wasn't already.

"You never know, your soulmate could still have your symbol too" she told me, attempting again to keep me happy.

"Fat chance" I muttered in despair. My heart stopped as I heard another set of footsteps approaching us. 

I turned to look, and my eyes met Adrien's as he lifted his hand to wave. I gasped.

He stared at me confusedly, but before he could ask, Nino spoke. "Uh Alya, do you know what your symbol is yet?"

She nodded quietly. Despite my worries, I nudged Alya. She cleared her throat. "Nino, I think it's you"

"Oh yeah no, it's definitely me," Nino said, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. "Those headphones are a dead ringer of mine"

My expression turned to confusion which mirrored Adrien's, when his face suddenly lit up. 

"Oh my God" he said. "Only soulmates can see each other's marks! That's why I couldn't see Nino's earlier"

"Really?" Alya asked. She turned to me. "Marinette, do you see my symbol?"

I shook my head no. She frowned. "Can  you really not see the black headphones on my chest?"

And when I looked again, there it was, as if it had been there all along.  She said the same to Adrien, when his eyes widened with recognition too.

"So if you explicitly tell someone what your mark looks like, they can see it" I said understandingly.

My brain was running at a million miles per hour. If I was able to see Adrien's mark, which appeared to be a red and black circle, that definitely meant that his soulmate was Ladybug.

I sighed with relief, and then the news really registered in my brain and I felt my heart swell with happiness. 

Adrien was Ladybug's soulmate. 



Well well, this happened. I reached my first 100 reads yesterday. My brain is buffering trying to comprehend this, so give me some down time xD 

I genuinely wanna know, who's POV do you like reading the best??

Hope you had/have/are having a wonderful day readers! 

Question of the day: If one character had to disappear from the show completely, who should it be and why? 

Love y'all! 

xxx S 

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