24 - Adrien

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The next morning when I woke up, it took me a moment to realise why I was smiling. And then last night came back into my memory.

Manon had the time of her life playing hide and seek with us until she tired herself out and we put her to bed. But she wasn't the only one.

We sat to watch a movie in case Manon woke up, and Ladybug, having been on about 5% battery herself, promptly passed out on my shoulder right after Manon. It was pretty adorable.

That memory caused me to have a smile on my face nevertheless, which didn't last long. When I pulled up at school, something was happening.

"Guys, I swear I didn't mean to-" Marinette was saying.

"Shut up you pathetic liar" Lila sneered in front of her.

There was a troupe of girls and boys gathered around Marinette. She looked cornered.

What was going on?

I tried stepping out of the car, but Natalie put a hand out to stop me. "Adrien, you will not get involved in your class' fights. Do you understand?"

"I have to see what's going on!" I protested.

"No," Natalie ordered. "You will walk right into school. I don't want to see you there, understand?"

"Yes Natalie" I sighed.

Getting my backpack, I hopped out of the car and walked as slowly as I possibly could without raising suspicion. Few meters away, Marinette's afraid and guilty eyes met mine. I could read her cry for help as clear as day.

But when I turned around, Gorilla and Natalie were still watching me. Feeling depressed, I continued to walk on.

Marinette's expression, out of the corner of my eye, went from hope to helplessness, breaking my heart further.

"Adrien!" She called out of sheer desperation.

I tried to take a closer look at what was going on. From where I was standing, I could see poor Marinette standing alone, facing our class alone.

"I feel terrible," I whispered, mostly to myself.

"Are you kidding me?" A voice came from my coat pocket. "Do you have a brain, Adrien?!"

"Plagg, what are you talking about?" I asked him, frowning.

"Well, Adrien can't go to save Marinette. But Chat Noir can" he told me.

"Oh my God that's it!" I said with a big smile on my face. I ran into an empty classroom. "Plagg cl-"

"NO!" Plagg yelled beside me, almost causing me to trip, fall and possibly die.

"God, Plagg! What?" I yelled right back.

"I want camembert for my amazing idea," he said snootily.

Maybe I would've laughed if I wasn't that preoccupied with Marinette. But I just rolled my eyes and fed him an extra piece of cheese before shouting,

"Plagg, claws out!"





Sorry, but I've been dealing with the fact that y'all are blowing my book up. Don't know what I'm talking about? Yesterday's rankings looked like this: 

#1 in Chatnoir 

#3 in Miraculous 

#3 in Ladrien

#4 in Ladybug 

#12 in Ladynoir 

#25 in Marichat 

...and way more! I'm really grateful woah. In addition to of all of these wonderful rankings, I have to thank you for 2k+ reads! You guys are the absolute best. 

In other news, say hi to Chapter 24...what did you guys think of it? 

Question of the day: Marinette or Ladybug?

Love y'all! 

xxx S 

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