10 - Adrien

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When I woke up the next morning, a sense of dread and anticipation took over me. My mind, which wasn't still fully awake, had no idea why. 

Thankfully, my favourite Kwami was here to remind me.

"Adrien, your soulmate mark!" Plagg shouted in my ear, effectively waking me up. I groaned at his volume but quickly stopped when his words registered to me. 

I groggily stood up, and trudged over to my mirror, where I checked over my face and neck. Huh. Nothing. But that's when I noticed something.

Printed on the inside of my wrist was a red circle with black spots. Plagg saw it the same time as I did, and yelped out loud.

"Adrien" Natalie's voice came from outside my room. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes Natalie, don't worry about it!" I called back. My hands were shaking. That mark could only mean one thing.

"You have got to be kidding me," Plagg said. "Ladybug is your soulmate?! The Ladybug?" He zoomed around me.

I couldn't believe it any more than he could. This was my dream! But on the other hand, wasn't Ladybug supposed to be Chat Noir's soulmate?

When I got to school, people were buzzing like crazy. I met Nino at the front of the school like I usually did, and he was beaming. "What's up Nino?" I asked him.

"Dude, my soulmate mark, look!" he said, pointing to the spot in between his collarbones. I stepped to have a closer look. There was nothing there.

"Uh Nino? There's nothing there" I told him, frowning.

"Come on dude, that's not funny" he said, his smile fading. "Look at the silver WiFi symbol!"

"Oh" I said, my eyes widening. Suddenly the mark on Nino's midriff was crystal clear. "Yeah I see it now"

"It's Alya!" he said, clapping ecstatically.

"Congratulations dude" I told him happily. "Does she have yours too?"

He laughed, a little nervously. "I don't know man"

"Well what are you waiting for?!" I laughed, clapping him on the back. "Go ask her!"

"Wait before that '' Nino interrupted. "Who did you get?"

My eyes widened. I didn't know what to say. If Ladybug really was my soulmate (which I still couldn't believe) then I had to protect everything about her identity. That included any potential soulmate matches.

"I don't know dude" I laughed it off. "I overslept and didn't have time to check. Now let's go see if Alya's your soulmate!"

He nodded, and together, we walked towards Alya and Marinette, who seemed to be in some sort of deep conversation.

They both turned around at the sound of our footsteps, and when Marinette's and my eyes met, she gasped. 


One of the longer chapters is finally here! 

Go on then, tell me what you loved most in my book so far! 

Just wanted to say that I'm so thankful and happy for all the support! 

Question of the Day: If Marinette was a boy, what would her name be? 

Love y'all 

xxx S 

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