16 - Adrien

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School the next morning seemed to arrive too soon. Before I left, I painted a dark blue needle with a pink string on my wrist. 

If I was going to fake date Marinette, I was going to do it right.

I hopped out of my limousine, and was surprised to see Marinette already there. 

She stood alone to the side, and shyly smiled when her eyes met mine.

"Hey Marinette" I greeted her with a smile. "Can we talk?"

She nodded, and pulled me to the side. "So I heard from, um, someone, that you wanted to keep your soulmate a secret too?"

"Yeah" I replied. "Do you have your symbol?"

She extended her wrist, and on it was a piano and fencing sword so carefully painted that it looked just like the real deal. "Wow Marinette, this looks so real"

"Thanks" she stuttered. "Did you mark your paint? I mean uh, did you paint your mark?"

"Yep" I showed her proudly. "I figured the needle and thread best represented you"

She smiled but it faded quickly. "Do you really think we can do this?"

I slung my arm around her shoulders, and she squeaked in surprise. "Of course we can"

We walked out together smiling at each other, when we heard an audible gasp. Within no time, Alya was in front of us, camera shoved in our face.

"IS THIS WHAT I THINK IT IS?!" she yelled, and we flinched at the volume of her voice.

"Depends," I grinned. "What are you thinking?"

Before Alya could answer, Marinette interrupted. "Alya, I wanted to tell you who it was yesterday, but I wanted to make sure before I told anyone...I'm sorry"

"It's okay, girl!" Alya exclaimed. "I'm so so happy for you!"

"Thank you," Marinette smiled, embracing her back.

"OMG! We can totally go on a double date!" Alya said excitedly, and I laughed at her enthusiasm. 

"Nino! Get over here!" she called over her shoulder. 

Nino walked over and confusedly stared at my hand over Marinette's shoulder, and Alya's beaming face. It took him about 5 seconds to put it together.

"Congrats dude!" he clapped me on the back. "I always knew you both were made for each other"

My eyes widened and Marinette's as I nervously chuckled. "Yeah, seems so, doesn't it?"

Alya, unfortunately being the journalist that she was, didn't miss that. Her eyes narrowed. "Is everything alright?"

Before Marinette or I could respond, we heard a blood-curdling scream. 



Bonjour mes amies! 

Hi my friends!

Comment ça va? Oui, je parle un peu de français...mais je fais souvent des erreurs, alors être gentil svp haha. 

How are you? Yes, I speak a little French, but I make mistakes often, so please be nice haha. 

Anyways, guess what happened?! I hit 100 VOTES!! Wohooo!!

Thank you all so very much. 

Love y'all!



xxx S 

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