30 - Marinette

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It was once again that I was doing my homework that Chat Noir entered my room. But this time, he knocked.

It spoke volumes about our relationship that I was more shocked by the fact that he entered with permission compared to the fact that he showed up uninvited.

"Chat!" I exclaimed. I didn't know why, but seeing him made my heart flutter.

"Hi there Princess" he said, slipping in through the window. Something was off about him, but I didn't pay much attention to it.

He was assessing me intently, as if he was seeing me for the first time. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked him.

"No" he commented, and I saw him force himself to smile.

"Is everything okay?" I murmured gently.

"We'll see" He reached into his pocket and threw me a paper, which I already knew what it was at the very first glance. After all, I wrote it.

But of course, I had to fake it. "What is this?" I said, trying to look intrigued.

Chat explained his situation with Ladybug while watching my expression carefully. He said that he thought that Ladybug hated him, or was even scared of him, and I fought to hold back my tears. If he only knew that it was the opposite.

"So, should I go?" Chat asked me, referring to the invite.

"Oh" I said, taken by surprise. "I don't know...do you want to?"

"I don't know!" He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. Oh God, why did I find that attractive?

"Okay okay" I said, pulling myself together. "Honestly Chat...I think you should go. If Ladybug wants to say something, don't you want to hear it?"

"Why would she want to say anything to me? I thought she hated me" he muttered.

"Oh shut up" I said crossly. "She doesn't hate you"

His attention snapped up at that. "And how would you know?"

"I-I-" I started to speak.

"Marinette!" a voice came from downstairs. It was mom. "Marinette! Alya's here to see you!"

Chat and I looked at each other. "I'll be down in a minute" I called back, not breaking eye contact.

"Sorry Chat, looks like I have to go" I told him.

He looked at me, and then his eyes momentarily focused on my desk behind me before meeting my gaze. "It's alright"

I stepped closer to him, and out of impulse, leaned forward to place a soft kiss on his cheek. His cheeks were red when I pulled back.

"A thank you for standing up for me in school" I smiled. "Bye!"

I ran downstairs without looking back. Alya stood there, looking sheepish. I paused at the foot of the stairs.

"Mari, I owe you an apology" she started, but I cut her off.

"No I do. I'm so sorry Alya" I told her, a tear running down my face. I missed my best friend.

She ran up to me and put her arms around me. "Marinette, I don't care who your soulmate is as long as you're happy. I should never have doubted you"

I hugged her back tight. "It's alright Alya. I'm sorry, but I have to go. I'll call you later?"

"Of course" she smiled, and I ran back upstairs to see if I could catch Chat and tell him about our make-up.

When I entered, the window was open, and Chat was gone.

Only later did I notice that the history textbook that was previously on my desk was gone with him too.



Hey lovelies!! 

Chapter 30 is here! Leave a comment and let me know how you like it x 

Another small reminder: My update schedule is now ONCE A WEEK on FRIDAYS. 

Thanks for everything!! 

Love y'all! 

xxx S 

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