6 - Chat Noir

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Leaving the school bathroom was easy. Staying hidden after leaving was more difficult. 

Since it was broad daylight, there were mothers and infants, workers on a lunch break, and school kids on the playground. Seeing me shoot from roof to roof, they cheered.

"Has there been another akuma attack?" A kid called from below me. He must've been 7 or 8, and he was wearing a headband with black cat ears on them. 

A fan.

"Nope," I called back. "Just doing some day patrols" 

He looked at me like he couldn't believe that he was really talking to me. I jumped down and walked up to him. 

 "Nice headband" I winked at him, ruffling his hair. 

"Where's Ladybug?" he asked me with big round eyes. 

"Ladybug will join me soon" I told him. "She's probably busy right now" 

"Oh" he said. And then his eyes lit up. "Can I be your partner then?" 

I smiled at him. "Sure! keep your eyes peeled for any Akumas okay? If you see one, make sure you tell an adult. Can you do that for me?" 

"Yep! You're the best, Chat Noir!" he yelled as I extended my baton and waved goodbye. 

As soon as I reached Master Fu's house, I de-transformed, only to find a coughing Plagg in my hands. Now I was seriously worried, so I fed him some extra camembert.

"Master Fu!" I called as I entered, the same time Wyazz, Master's kwami, called "Plagg!"

Master Fu woke up from his nap at the start and looked at me questioningly with alarm. "Adrien Agreste, what's wrong?" 

I quickly explained the situation to him, and he sighed.

"Yes, I heard about the soulmate magic. Unfortunately what they didn't announce was the fact that Kwami's have soulmates too. However, they can't be imprinted on, and so they will be weakened until they experience the touch of their Kwami mate"

"How are we supposed to know who his mate is?" I demanded.

"Plagg knows," Master Fu said. "Find the owner immediately"

I nodded, thanked him, and transformed back into Chat Noir and jumped out the window. 

While travelling, I tried to tune in with Plagg. After all, it was his magic that made me Chat Noir, so I was sometimes able to connect with his thoughts and emotions. 

Unfortunately, that meant a bizarre craving for camembert sometimes. 

This time, I put all my effort into tuning in with Plagg. I could feel Plagg's sickness as if it was mine, but I felt something else too. 

A longing. When I focused on it in my mind, I saw a tiny red and black Kwami.

I had to find Ladybug, and fast. 



Aww...our kitty is so sweet to his fans! This felt like a pretty wholesome chapter.

How did y'all like this chapter? Lemme know by giving it a vote or a comment! 

Question of the Day: Hawk Moth or Mayura? 

Someone messaged me and asked me how often I'd be updating, and honestly, I will be putting up one chapter everyday. Sometimes I may even be able to sneak in an extra one if I don't have too much work! 

xxx S 

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