14 - Chat Noir

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Once Ladybug had left for her night patrol, after giving me (that is, Adrien) a shy goodbye kiss on the cheek, I had to hurry and transform so that I could join her without raising suspicion.

"Hello there Milady" I grinned cheekily as I joined Ladybug.

She turned to me, a huge smile on her face. "Hi there kitty"

"My my what's got you in such a good mood?" I asked her, full well knowing the answer. "Or should I ask, who?"

I saw her stumble but she regained her composure just as quickly. "I don't know what you're talking about"

"Sure sure" I said breezily.

She stared at me suspiciously. "Chat Noir, how come you aren't upset that we're not soulmates?"

"Oh, but we are Bugaboo" I chuckled, but quickly stopped since she had come to a dead stop beside me. "I mean, a mark means nothing to me"

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right"

"Can I tell you who my soulmate is milady?" I asked her quietly, holding her hand. I really did want her to know.

"Chat, you know that I can't know anything about your life" she whispered to me.

"I want you to know. Ladybug, look at the needle and thread on my wrist" I told her. Involuntarily, her eyes glanced down at my wrist, but her expression didn't change.

"Why do you want me to know?" she asked me, her blue eyes meeting mine.

"Because this mark, it means nothing to me" I said forcefully. "You're the only one who'll ever have my heart, and nothing will change that"

"Don't say that, my kitten" she said, putting a hand to my face. "You never know, you might end up falling in love with your soulmate. She is made for you, you can't just ignore that"

I sighed and shook my head. "She loves someone else. Just like I do"

Ladybug chose to ignore that. "You should go see her," she said firmly. "You both need to talk this out"

Despite wanting to protest, I hung my head. "You're right. I'll go see her right after our patrol ends"

Her eyes widened slightly. "Wait, that soon? Don't you want to, maybe go tomorrow?"

"You shouldn't be knowing anyway" I reminded her with a smile. "Goodbye milady"

She waved me off, before rushing away. I allowed myself one moment to stare after her, before jumping back into reality and starting to Marinette's. 



What's good, people?

I couldn't update yesterday because well, school. Most of you know the drill. 

I feel like writing for Chat Noir's POV is so fun idk his personality is just...*chef's kiss*

Well, let me know if you liked it by commenting here or giving it a vote! 

Love y'all 

xxx S 

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