27 - Adrien

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I wanted an award. The biggest one that anyone had ever received. Now, you might be wondering why...it was because of what I had to do right after I left Marinette as Chat Noir.

Transforming back in my locker, I had to coach myself to wait in the classroom instead of going out. Every bone in my body screamed to get to them as soon as possible and see what was going on, but it would've been too obvious.

So I sat quietly in my seat, took out my books, and waited.

When the first bell rang, the class filed in, with whispers on whispers. But my eyes were only looking for one person.

Sitting in the front of the class had its perk right now. My eyes were trained on the door, unblinking. When Ms. Bustier started class, the nerves set in.

Where was my girlfriend?  The thought that I just had startled me, and I quickly corrected myself. Where was Marinette?

"She's probably not coming" Alya's voice said beside me. She sounded defeated.

I turned to her, frowning. "What are you talking about?"

"I saw her go toward the library" she sighed, putting her head between her arms. "I'm the worst best friend in the world"

"Don't talk like that," I said, smiling. "She loves you more than anyone, you know that"

"Not more than she loves you," she smiled weakly.

My mind went blank. What was she talking about? But I couldn't hang around to find out. Asking for permission to go to the bathroom, I speed walked to the library.

At the time, I didn't know that there was someone following me.

I thought about what Alya said, about Marinette liking me more. Another memory flashed in my mind. Marinette confessing to me. Her nervous behaviour around me only. And all the pieces of the puzzle fell together. Marinette was in love with me wasn't she?

Walking swiftly past rows of stacked shelves, I soon found Marinette behind the last row of books, staring dejectedly at the wall. Even depressed, she looked so beautiful.

"Adrien" she looked up, startled.

"Hi Marinette" I said, smoothly sitting beside her. "I am so so sorry I couldn't be there when you needed me"

"Oh really, it's okay," she mumbled.

"No, it's not" I lifted her chin gently, encouraging her to look at me. "I should have acted differently...Natalie was wrong to forbid me, and I was wrong to listen. I hope you're not mad at me"

A ghost of a smile appeared on her face. "I couldn't be mad at you even if I tried"

I smiled in response. "Why did you come here?" she asked me after a pause.

"To check on you of course" I said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I know but...why?" she pressed further. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you really were in love with me"

At that I stopped. "Marinette, I'm in love with someone else. She's my soulmate"

Marinette's eyes widened to the size of saucers, before she composed herself. "I know"

"I'm not done" I continued. I had to tell her this. "Yes, I'm in love with her... but I-I can't stop thinking about you"

And then I paused. "Wait- you just said 'I know'. How do you know?"

She took a deep breath, as if making a big decision. "Because I-"

And that's when the shelf in front of us exploded in flames. 



Hold on now. Drop the weapon. If you kill me for the cliffhanger, I can't update after this lol. Stand down my friends! 

 But yes, here's Chapter 27 ~ 

Bound Together is nearing it's end, and I am as excited as I am sad...but alas, c'est la vie! (It's life!)

Don't worry though, there are still a few chapters left! And I have some surprises for you after the end of the book so stay tuned!! 

Love y'all! 

xxx S 

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