22 - Chat Noir

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On patrol that night, Ladybug and I were roaming the streets of Paris in peace. I glanced over at her. She looked absolutely exhausted.

"Would you like me to finish up here milady?" I asked her with a smile. She seemed like she really needed the rest.

"What?" she looked up, distracted. "No no it's fine Chat, I'm just-" she stopped short and grabbed my arm. I stopped with her and followed her line of vision.

There was a little girl crying in the park. But that wasn't all. Flying near her, just under a streetlight, was a dark purple and black butterfly.

"Get the girl, I'll get the akuma" she commanded, and I put a mock hand up in salute.

"Whatever you say Milady" I winked, and ran over to the girl.

Her face seemed familiar, but I just wasn't able to place a claw on it. "Hi there" I said, crouching down.

"Chat Noir?" she asked, her eyes wide.

"Yeah" I grinned. "Seems like you know my name already. What's yours?"

"Manon" she sniffled, and the tears started pouring again.

"Oh hey don't cry," I said, frowning. "Where's your mom?"

"I don't know," she wailed. "I want to go home"

Ladybug then came back from capturing the akuma and releasing it. When she saw the girl, her eyes widened. "Manon?"

I turned. "You know her?"

She nodded. "I uh, helped rescue her from the playground when Klimatika was here"

I tilted my head up in realisation. This girl did a little photoshoot with me once.

Ladybug said, "I'm going to call her mother, I'll be right back"

"I want my mommy" Manon cried louder, and I helplessly stared around for something to cheer her up. My eyes lit up with an idea.

"Hey Manon?" I asked her. "Wanna see something cool?"

She nodded, so I picked her up with one arm safely tucked, and with the other I extended my baton until we were high enough to see the Eiffel Tower, lit up beautifully.

"Woah!" Manon exclaimed in my arms. "Look how pretty!"

"You're right it is" I chuckled.

"I feel like I'm flying!" Manon said excitedly, extending her arms and moving them around aeroplane like. She had long stopped crying.

"You're a real superhero," I told her.

"Just like you and Ladybug!" she grinned.

Just then, I heard my partner's voice from below. "Chat!" she called, and I immediately brought Manon down safely. Manon ran straight to Ladybug.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir helped me fly!" she squealed, and Ladybug patted her head with a smile.

"Why don't you go play for a bit? Chat and I will come get you" Ladybug said.

Manon nodded and took off to the swings without a second glance.

"What did her mom say?" I inquired, leaning on my baton.

To my surprise, Ladybug's face had a weary expression. "Nadia Chamack is working late, she asked us to take Manon home"

"Okay so?"

"We're going to have to take care of her for a few hours," she told me. "So don't use your powers"

I nodded, and then smirked. "Babysitting with my Bugaboo? This is going to be fun"



Hello to all of my wonderful readers! 

Did y'all like this chapter? Hit the star if you did and I'll make more like this. 

Question of the Day: Miraculous! How much have you watched so far?? 

Love y'all! 

xxx S 

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