7 - Ladybug

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When my friend Mylene was akumatized yet again, I ran to the bathroom as fast I could, feeling confident. After transforming and quickly breaking the pin that Ivan gave her, she was finally free from being the Horrificator. 

I wondered why Chat Noir hadn't shown up, but brushed it off, because Horrificator was a piece of cake.

Just as I was about to detransform, my yo-yo beeped. An incoming call from Chat Noir?

"Ladybug" he said, his face popping up. "Where are you? I need to speak with you...it's an emergency"

The fact that he hadn't called me Milady was the indicator that this was serious, so I told him to meet me at the Eiffel Tower in 2 minutes. 

I couldn't have him come here, it was too risky for my identity.

"Chat Noir, what is going on?" I demanded as soon as he landed next to me.

"I need you to detransform" he spoke matter of factly.

I put a hand to my forehead, and sighed. "Chat Noir I already told you we can't know each other in real life. I swear to God-"

He cut me off. "Ladybug, listen to me. My Kwami is sick" and he proceeded to explain Plagg's condition, and his talk with Master Fu.

I was worried for Plagg, so I agreed. And then an idea popped into my head. I dragged the kitty over to a secluded street, and we stood back to back.

"Ready when you are, milady" he called.

I said "Spots off!" right as I heard Chat Noir say, "Claws in"

Tikki fell into my hands, looking exhausted. When she saw the situation we were in, she gasped slightly. "Plagg!" she squealed.

Plagg flew out to see her, and they didn't say anything more. Out of my peripheral vision, I saw a tuft of blonde from Chat Noir's hair, and Tikki and Plagg touching each other briefly, before they both cheered.

"I'm guessing you both are soulmates then?" Chat questioned. I heard the smile in his voice, and Plagg nodded in agreement. 

"Hope I can say the same for us Buginette"

"We'll see Chaton" I said playfully. "See you later!"

With that, I took off running. 


Another short chapter, oops! 

But I'm so happy for Tikki and Plagg! Plikki supremacy hehe

Question of the Day: Where are you reading from? 

Hope y'all liked this one, give it a vote if you did! 

xxx S

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