the life chapter 80

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At jeon mension { Continued from the part where jimin was feeding }

Jimin was feeding the cute little pie who was happily munching . Tae come downstairs and saw seen in front of him fondly. Suddenly the baby yelled while making grabby hands towards him (Tae) " Papaaaa". Tae come towards him and the baby immediately hugged him tightly and snuggle his head in tae's chest . Tae kissed him all over his head and the room was filled with giggles of  the little one and two person eyes were seeing the seen with adoration.

Three people attention turns towards the   sound and the baby said " Good moling (morning) appa . Jungkook replied with a small smile " Good morning baby ".


Tae and jungkook where so happy with each other in 1 st year but jungkook always used to avoid intimacy with Tae which started creating misunderstanding between them. Tae was fascinate about this things . Tae always wanted to start things between them but jungkook just simply avoid it or change the topic.  The reason why Tae wanted to do this so eagerly is because his friends told them that if one started avoiding contact with other in a relationship then his partner must be loosing his interest in the person .

They started having small fights with each other. And later Tae decided to have a serious direct talk with jungkook.
In beginning jungkook gave excuses like they have a lot of time for this things and they should focus on developing their relationship more.

Jungkook was able to convince Tae for 2 more months but later tae has enough of this . So he decided to confront jungkook. They had a long session of argument and lastly jungkook unveiled that " He was afraid that his infection will get transfered to tae if  tae try something intimate with him". It's not like jungkook didn't wanted all of these, he wanted to do it too , infant he was craving to do all the things a couple does but because of his infection he was avoiding everything so that Tae don't have to face any of these things.

Tae forgot his anger in a blink when he heard jungkook words. His eyes soften and he hugged him and comforted him saying that his infection is non contagious but still jungkook was insecure. So they talked about it and come to the point where they decided to ask jungkook doctor and later they did the same and doctor made jungkook understand everything more clearly by showing some examples where people have same infection like jungkook and they were happily leaving with their partner and kids.

That's how jungkook finally believe that his infection is not a problem for tae. Later they made love and finally they were able to do everything without any worry.

Later after 1  year tae got pregnant but it was a surprise news as they didn't plan for a child as they were still young and also they always have protected intercourse so it was really a surprise news. But it didn't mean that they were not happy , both of them cried out of happiness and everyone was happy for them and for the baby.

When taegguk born everyone got emotional especially taekook, their tears were continuous falling out of happiness.
Now taegguk is almost 3 years old (korean age) . Both taekook loved him deeply . Taegguk is a little more close to tae as he never get mad on him may be that is the reason that he is really clingy with Tae compared to others.


When jimin become persistent about having child , yoongi convinced him to wait for 2 years and after that he does wait for 2 years without discussing it for once. But after that he talked to yoongi and they happily decided to have a baby.

They were trying for the baby but after few months they come to know about tae's pregnancy . They were also very happy for taekook.  Jimin and yoongi were waiting for their turn to announce good news. But that didn't happen.

Yoongi always tried to console jimin who was really sad after their failed attempts.  When taegguk born they were so happy to saw a new family member. Jimin saw how taekook cried holding their new baby in their arms.

Jimin wanted to feel the same with yoongi. But they didn't able to have one till now. Jimin is changed, he was not like before who always used to lighten everyone mood, who always used to be happy . He is changed, he was a bit depressed from the continuous failure. Jimin and yoongi treat taegguk just like their own son, especially jimin he shower him with all his love and always took care of him.

Yoongi always tried to make feel jimin better but jimin eyes were filled with sadness and tears. Yoongi hated seeing tears in jimin eyes but he didn't know what should he do to make jimin happy.


taegguk is almost 3 year old, loves his papa and appa very much but of course he loves Tae a little more, he loves jimin very much too as jimin also shower him with his love that's why he called him papa chim , he is very clingy towards Tae  , he is a cute boy with very chubby cheeks with bunny smile and also very shy towards new people. Jimin is his go to person whenever he needs anything.

At daegu, at afternoon

Jin was working in the cafe as he was a head cook there and he also supervise the cafe sometimes. He come at the counter and started thinking stuffs which he can never forget in his life.

Suddenly, someone come towards him laughing with his hand wide open , Jin noticed the person and lips curved into a big smile and he also opened his arms to hug the coming person.

He hugged him tightly and the other also hugged him tightly with same enthusiasm. Jin kissed his head and asked " How was your day baby " . The baby replied kissing Jin cheeks " It was nice papa " . Jin replied smile and said  " Good boy".

Baby asked " What about you papa... How was your day?... Did someone bothered you...Did someone misbehave with you? Tell me know I don't like that type of people around know na ...I will always protect you" .

Jin laughed and kissed his cheeks and said " No one bothered me or misbehave with me baby....i have a good day too.... And I know my big baby will always protect me (said while laughing a little). The baby said " Please don't laugh papa..... I am serious.. I will protect you.. I love you so much "

Jin smile and said " Okay okay... And I love my baby the most " . Jin thought " He  is same like him ".


Baby  name is seokjoon, he is 5 years old (Korean age), loves his papa the most, intelligent like his other father, display dimples whenever smile , face features matches to Jin, he is really really protective over his papa, talk more sensible than his age, wanted to protect his papa from every trouble, admire his papa very much, his most habits matches to his other father.


English is not my first language so please avoid my mistakes.

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