sechs: sven's party [part one]

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I huffed as my run slowly turned into a walk and then I stopped altogether. It was a beautiful day in Dortmund and since I woke up early (thanks to my neighbors damn lawn mower), I decided to go on a run.

It was still a bit chilly in Dortmund since we were just entering the month of March so I was wearing leggings for running with my brother's old Germany NT jersey.

I interrupted Matt Healy mid-chorus as I put the song on pause and took my earphones off. I wrapped the cord around my phone before taking a seat on a nearby park bench.

Some children were playing by the slides under the watchful eyes of their parents, some people were walking their pets and some were just sitting on the green grass to read or draw.

I was about to take a picture of the scenery when I heard someone calling my name. I turned around to see Marco standing there looking at me shocked.

"Oh, hey Marco." I said, probably looking just as shocked.

  "What are you doing here?" He asked.

  "I woke up early so I decided to go on a run and I just ended up here," I replied. "You?"

He sat down on the spot beside me and took a sip of his water. "I live near here so I just come here to think or clear my head sometimes." I nodded and leaned back on the bench as we settled onto a comfortable silence. I haven't seen him since our McDonalds date a few days ago and we both agreed that we should do it again some other time.

"Hey, Sven's having this small party at his house tonight and I..." he trailed off before scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "I was wondering if you wanted to come along?"

His pale cheeks turned a bright red and I didn't know if it was because it was cold or because he had just run for over an hour or because he was actually blushing. Well, whatever it was, it made me blush too.

Goddamn it, Mia.

"Oh," I managed to say, "Anna didn't tell me anything about a party, maybe she forgot. Let me check." I said before turning my phone over to check for messages from Anna.

Marco looked at me confused until he finally registered what I had said. "Oh! No, Anna didn't plan this. I wanted you to come for...well, for me." He said shyly and this time I knew that he was blushing.

I've never been anywhere with Marco where Anna didn't plan anything so I was a bit hesitant to say yes to him but it was one of those moments where your brain is screaming 'nein!' but you definitely wanted to say 'ja!'.

"Oh, definitely. Sounds fun." I finally told him.

  Marco grinned happily at me before standing up, "Okay. I'll pick you up at 7." He said before waving at me and jogging the other way.


I sat in Marco's car with him as I looked outside the window to observe Sven's house while Marco looked for a parking spot.

Sven's house was packed with people and I could already hear the music throbbing throughout the house. I self conciously ran a hand through my hair and pulled down my dress a little bit. Marco finally found a parking spot and he turned the car off.

"Ready?" he asked. I held my breath and nodded. We got out of the car and he placed his hand on my back and led me into the house.

  "Do all your teammates know" I whispered.

  He shook his head and leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Just remember Ciro, Ilkay, Pierre, Nuri, Mats, Robert, Roman, Kevin and of course Sven and Erik."

We entered the house and Marco immediately started waving at people and sometimes sometimes stopping to say something to them. The music was on so loud that the ground started thumping with the bass. I looked for some familiar faces, but I couldn't seem to notice anyone.

"Do you want me to introduce you to some girls?" he asked me. I nodded and he smiled at me before leading me to a small part of the house where a small group of ladies were standing together with drinks in their hands.

"Hey, guys," Marco said casually before putting me in front of him. "This is Mia. Mia, this is Cathy, Jessica, Tugba, Lisa and Sila." he said while pointing them out one by one. They were all smiling back at me and they looked really nice. "Are you going to be okay?" he asked me. I nodded and he shot me a tiny smile before kissing my cheek and leaving me to go talk to some of his friends.

My cheek burned from where his lips were and I tried to hide the obvious blush that I had. I turned back towards the girls and they were all beaming at me. "Hi, Mia. It's so nice to meet you." Tugba said politely while leaning forward to hug me.

"It's so nice to meet you all too," I smiled back at them. "We know, by the way. You don't have to worry about anything." Cathy told me with a secretive smile. I let out a relieved sigh and shot them all a thankful smile.

  "Oh, thank god. I'm a terrible liar."

They all laughed along with me and we started talking about nothing in particular and I felt myself getting on well with all of them. I started feeling a little woozy from the drink that Sven gave me a while back so I put the paper cup down.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back soon." I said over the loud music. Lisa, being the only one who heard me, nodded in response and I left them to go find a bathroom. After pushing past people and nearly getting pushed over at least twice, I found a small bathroom near the kitchen.

I entered it and washed my face a little bit. I instantly felt better but my head was still throbbing. I left the bathroom and walked over to Sven's kitchen to get myself a glass of water to clear my head a little bit.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, I froze in my spot and felt my head throb 10 times harder when I saw Marco locking lips with another girl.


so that's chapter six for you :) i'll have a part two up soon! i hope you guys liked this one

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