einunddreisßig: the aftermath

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I woke up and at first, there was a split moment where everything felt alright.

And then reality came crashing down on me and everything came back. Everything hit me twice as bad and I was left with a gaping hole at the bottom of my stomach.

I could still feel the tears rolling down my cheeks and I was struggling to breathe again. I buried my face into the fluffy, white pillows as I tried to forget everything. My head was pounding, my throat was burning and my lungs were gasping for oxygen.

"Calm down, calm down, calm down," I repeated over and over again to myself. "Don't cry." I told myself.

I managed to blink away the tears that were threatening to pool over. A few moments later, I heard rapid knocking on my door and Anna's voice. "Open up! We have a lot to talk about." she said.

Every part of my body wanted me to yell at her and tell her to go away; I wanted her to let me pity myself alone without anybody disturbing me - but I stood up and opened the door for her anyway. Anna entered the room and I went back to my previous position, hugging a pillow to my chest.

Anna shook her head and slammed three magazines down onto my bed. I hid my face behind the pillow, but I could hear Anna telling me to look at the magazines.

Slowly and cautiously, I looked out from behind the pillow to see three of the most famous gossip magazines in Germany. Marco and Daniela were plastered on all three of the covers - pictures of them holding hands, pictures of Marco with his arm wrapped around her waist and pictures of them laughing together.

I didn't know which was worse, the fact that he had his hands on her on these pictures or the fact that Marco looked happy.

I took one of the magazines and read the headline: 'Marco Reus spotted with a mystery girl! But what happened to Mia?'

Under the huge picture of Marco holding hands with Daniela was a picture of Marco and I. It was taken in Paris and we were walking down the street with big smiles on our faces. Our hands were locked together too, but someone had edited a split in the picture between the two of us.

I put the magazine back down and looked up at Anna who was pacing the floor, murmuring profanities under her breath. "Thank goodness the news didn't travel internationally, but—" she stopped talking when she got a good look at my face.

She furrowed her brows and moved closer to me, "Mia? A-are you crying?"

I sniffled and shook my head, "What? No."

"Amelia, is there something that you're not telling me?" Anna asked, sitting down on the bed. I stayed quiet, keeping my hands to myself as I avoided her glance.

Anna finally looked away from me. Then slowly, she looked down at the magazines, then up at me again. "Oh." she finally said, sounding absolutely shocked. Anna inched closer to me to give me a soft hug.

"Mia, I'm so sorry," she whispered. "I had no idea you liked Marco."

I shook my head as she pulled away from me. I wiped away the stray tears that trailed down my face and wiped the bottom of my eyes. "It's not just that, Anna. We...we dated for a while."

To say that Anna looked shocked would be an understatement. Her mouth was wide open in surprise and her eyes were wide, "Scheiße." she cursed.

"Ja." I added.

"I'm so sorry, Mia," she said, rubbing my back softly. She opened her mouth to say something to me when her phone started vibrating loudly. The caller ID on her phone said 'Vincent', so she rolled her eyes and stood up.

"I really have to take this, Mia. I'll send Ava in for you, okay? We'll talk later, I promise."


I woke up to the sound of buzzing. I groaned softly and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, wincing when I felt a headache coming on already. Sunlight was streaming into the room and it definitely wasn't helping the massive hangover.

After finally managing to sit up straight, I held my breath when I saw where I was. I wasn't at home or at any of the guys' houses. I was in a hotel room.

Carefully, I peeled open the blankets and I instantly felt the color drain from my face. The shower was turned on in the bathroom and someone was lightly humming.

Oh no.

I quickly scrambled for my phone to see about a hundred missed calls from the boys and Vincent. I saw texts from Mats, Auba, Sven, Nuri and Vincent asking me where I was and if I was alright. And worse of all, I saw her name.

mia: (3 missed calls)

mia: hey, where are you?

mia: i'm about to go on stage in a few mins

mia: are u there??

mia: i can't wait any longer reus

mia: well have a great night at the club :) call me later tonight, okay? xx

mia: gotta go now, i'll talk to you later

mia: ich liebe dich, schatz! 💛💛

My heart was beating so fast that I could hear it at this point. The tears were brimming in my eyes and I was trying my hardest to blink them back. I quickly dialled her number and waited for the line to connect but I went straight to voicemail.

I tried and tried again, but all I got was an automated voice telling me to leave a message.

The door to the bathroom opened and I quickly turned to see Daniela.

She was wrapped in a towel and her hair was up in a bun. She smiled brightly when she saw me and she just about nearly dropped her towel when I grabbed all my clothes and put them on.

"Wait, where are you going?" she asked, looking dumbfounded. I grabbed my phone and my wallet and slipped on my shoes. 

"This was a mistake, Daniela. This wasn't supposed to happen," I said, trying not to panic as I walked towards the door.

"What's wrong with you, Marco? You came with me last night!" she called after me, following behind me like a lost puppy.

I turned around and scowled at her, "I have a girlfriend and I'm in love with her. This wasn't supposed to happen, I was drunk off my ass and I never wanted to come here. We weren't anything before and we never will be, Daniela." I said before slamming the hotel door shut.

I got in the elevator and quickly jabbed the button for the lobby. My heart was racing and my mind was spinning out of control. I just cheated on my girlfriend.

The thought hit me like a ton of bricks and I felt like screaming at the thought of it. The doors opened and I quickly walked out of the elevator and made my way out of the hotel when I saw hordes of screaming paparazzi, yelling to get my attention.

"Marco, who was that girl last night?"

"Marco, where's Mia?"

"Did you break up with Mia for that girl?"

"Is she your new girlfriend?"

"Did you break up with Mia because of the tour?"

I angrily pushed past all those people and ran as fast as I could to an empty corner before pulling out my phone to dial Mario's number. I waited until I heard his familiar voice.

"Marco? What is it?"

"I fūcked up, Mario," I sniffled as I leaned against a wall in the alley, finally letting the tears stream down my face. "I fūcked up so bad."


you kinda did didnt ya m8!! 

only a few chapters to go before the sequel !! (i think or maybe i'll get unmotivated and stop halfway)

hope u guys mildly enjoyed this chapter lol

happy reading lovelies!!xx

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