neun: movie night

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  I sighed loudly as my fingers failed to find the right chords for the song I was writing. My mind was a complete blank, as was my songwriting notebook. People were waiting for my next move as I haven't released an album or even a new single in a while. No matter how hard I worked, I always had to work harder.

  A fleeting thought entered my mind and I quickly reached for my pen to jot it down on the notebook when the doorbell rang, making the thought quickly race out of my head. I closed my eyes tightly and cursed whoever it was outside the door. Throwing the pen down, I moved my guitar off me and trudged towards the door.

  Before opening the door, I checked the clock. It was 8:26 PM and I wasn't expecting anyone. I looked through the little peep hole and quickly moved away when I saw a head of blonde hair.


  I haven't seen him since the diner fiasco which happened 2 days ago. I haven't talked to him since then and to be honest, I wasn't really planning to. I opened the door to see him standing there with one hand in his pocket, the other one holding a plastic bag full of Chinese take-out boxes.

  "Reus?" I murmured softly, "What are you doing here?" I asked him.

  He looked at me, "Uh...Vincent told me to come over. I guess Anna approved of it. She didn't tell you?" he asked me. 

  I gaped at him, "I turned off my phone. I always do when I'm writing, sorry." I said. 

  He shook his head, "No worries. Should I - um - leave?" he asked awkwardly.

  I eyed the Chinese take-out that he was holding, suddenly feeling super hungry. I shook my head, "No. Come in." I said, moving aside so he could enter the house. 

  "Wow, nice place." he said as he looked around the house. I thanked him as I watched him walk over to my kitchen, setting the plastic bag down on the granite countertop.

  "Have you eaten? I got us Chinese." he asked. 

  I smiled brightly at him, "I actually haven't. Thanks a lot, Reus."

 He shrugged and I helped him take out all the cartons before hopping up on the stool so we could eat on the counter instead of on the table.

  I watched as Marco took out all the paper boxes out of the plastic bag, "Geez. You brought enough to feed the whole team." 

  "Well, I am hungry and I was sure you are too, so here we go," he gestured towards the boxes. I rolled my eyes playfully and grabbed a pair of chopsticks, splitting them in half before I dug into the lo mein he brought. 

  We started making some small talk and Marco told me about something he just read on the internet, something about an underwear that made all your farts smell like mint.

  At this point, I was already tuning him out.

  After we ate and discarded of the boxes, I led him to the living room where my TV was. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked him. He nodded and I grabbed my small stash of DVDs and handed them all to him. He flipped through the countless number of chick-flicks before pulling one out.

  Fight Club.

  "Oh, this is one of my brother's movies," I murmured before taking the DVD from him to inspect it. "Okay, I'll turn it on." I said before popping it into the DVD player. I turned off the lights and pressed play before popping down on the couch beside Marco.

    Halfway through the movie, I began yawning and my eyelids got droopier. I fought to stay awake but before I knew it, I was asleep.


  We were halfway done with the movie and it was getting pretty late. I stifled a yawn and turned to check on Mia when I saw her with her eyes closed, hair falling over her face. I chuckled and watched as she slowly breathed in and out.

  She looked beautiful when she was asleep. You can call me a creeper or anything, but she really did. She looked really peaceful, and I didn't want to wake her at all. There was a little blanket draped over the couch and I lightly took it.

  I draped the light blue blanket over her and brushed her hair back so she would be more comfortable. I ran a hand through my hair and waited for a while but before I knew it, I was falling asleep as well.


  I slowly roused from my sleep. A blanket was draped over me and I wondered how it got there. 

  My mind was still hazy and my eyes were still adjusting, but they were definitely still blurry. It was still dark outside from what I could see. I tried moving but I felt an arm wrapped protectively around my waist.

  Confused, I slowly and gently turned around to see Marco. His head was buried into the nape of my neck and I could feel his chest slowly rising and falling from behind me. I didn't know what was happening, my mind was still a blur but I couldn't stop the small smile on my face.

  Before I knew what I was even doing, I slowly turned around in his arms and cuddled even further into his chest before falling back asleep.


omfg mia i just 'iargjh'aoierhgaoeriht i wanna be you rn

oh oh oh and check out the gif that i attached above! it's how i pictured mia when she smiled during their little cuddle fest awwWWww

ok so this was chapter 9 !!! how did you guys like it? are you team #eria or team #maria? :3  


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