vierundzwanzig: paris

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((look at the gif 😍😍))


"Marco, hurry up!" Mia said excitedly as she tugged me further down the street. 

I smiled at her and tugged her backwards before wrapping an arm around her shoulders, "Slow down, roadrunner."

"I'm just excited." she sighed, slowing down a little bit so she could walk beside me instead of running in front of me.

Our plane landed in Paris a few hours ago and since it was about 12:30 in the afternoon, Mia wanted to walk around the area first. She looked absolutely adorable as she looked around completely wide eyed.

I didn't have to use my crutches anymore, but I had to wear this leg brace thing that supported me more when I walked.

An idea popped into my head and I took a glance at Mia who was still looking at her map of Paris confusedly. "What the hell is this? Where are we?" she asked me, showing me the map.

I laughed and redirected us into the park to our side. It was a beautiful park (well, everything's beautiful in Paris) and there were kids and parents milling around, some people were walking their dogs and some were reading books.

"I found us!" Mia squealed, pointing to the garden on the small map. I shot her a sideways grin and pulled her closer to me. "Does your leg hurt?" she asked for the thousandth time today.

"No, Mia," I laughed, "It's feeling a lot better."

"If you need anything tell me," she said before showing me the bottle of water we bought a while back, "Thirsty?"

I chuckled and pulled her down to sit with me on one of the green benches there. "Stop fussing, Mia. Just look around you," I smirked, "We're in Paris!"

She laughed and brushed her brown hair back before looking up at me, "My boyfriend has one leg." She joked. I rolled my eyes and jokingly pushed her away from me.

"I'm just kidding, Reus," she smirked, "You have half a leg."

"Oh my God, Mia!"


I paced back and forth in front of the bathroom in the hotel room. Mia and I must've lost track of time when we were out venturing in Paris and we completely forgot about dinner that Anna booked for us.

"Come on, Mia! We have less than half an hour." I called out.

"Okay, okay, calm down." Mia said as she opened the door. I felt my breath hitch in my throat as I looked at her. She looked beautiful.

She was wearing a black dress and her hair was done neatly in her natural curls, "You alright, Reus?" she asked me, looking genuinely concerned. I mustered up a smile and nodded, "You look beautiful."

She blushed brightly and covered her face, "Thanks, Reus. You don't look too bad yourself." She smiled. I grinned back at her and took her hand before leading her out of the room.

"But wait, you're one to talk!" she said, jabbing my side, "You took like half an hour in the bathroom just do to your hair."


I mentally cursed Anna as I sunk into the chair in the restaurant, glaring daggers at the model that Marco was talking to. The restaurant had a bar type thing and Marco and I wanted to check it out and he ended up chatting up a leggy blonde model while I stayed back and pretended not to eavesdrop.

"And how long are you in Paris for?" the model asked in her sultry French accent, batting her ridiculously long eyelashes as Marco. 

"We're here for a week and then we're going to go back home to Germany."

"We?" the model asked.

Marco turned around and pointed at me. The model looked me up and down and shot me a forced smile, "You're the singer, aren't you? Mia Bauer."

She nodded and the model extended her hand to shake mine, "Pleasure." I said through gritted teeth. The model shot me another fake smile before turning around to yap Marco's ear off again.

I rolled my eyes and looked away from the both of them, feeling my blood boil under her skin. I hated to admit it – but I was jealous. I was jealous that a pretty girl was talking to my boyfriend and I was jealous that I couldn't even hold his attention for long enough.

"You shouldn't stick with a guy like that," A voice said beside me. I turned around to see a guy probably my age, he had a small smile on his face directed at me and his French accent was thick as he spoke to her. To say that it drove me kinda insane would be an understatement. "A girl as pretty as you should never be taken for granted."

My cheeks heated up and I shifted her attention to the other guy, "Thanks, I guess." She breathed out. The guy smiled and shook my hand, "I'm Pierre, nice to meet you."

"Mia." I replied quietly.

"Are you having a nice time in Paris?" he asked me. 

"I'm trying to." I said sarcastically before motioning towards Marco. 

Pierre shot me a pained smile, "Come on, cherie. You can do better than him."

I was about to reply when I heard Marco laughing sarcastically from behind me, "What, like you?" he asked. I let out a breath of frustration as I turned around to see Marco looking obviously pissed, which angered me even more.

It was alright if Marco neglected me for some model but when I talked to some guy for even less than five minutes, Marco blew up? Nein. I'm not down for that shit.

"Chérie—" Pierre said from behind her.

"Schatz." Marco pushed on as if it were a competition. Marco and Pierre had a silent stare off for a while before I rolled my eyes and shrugged both of them off. I grabbed my bag and stalked out of the restaurant with a scowl on my face, making sure to shoot Celeste a dirty glare before leaving.


3rd Person

"Mia, slow down," Marco sighed as Mia walked faster into the hotel lobby. "Mia..."

Mia walked into the elevator and Marco ran in after her. He shut his mouth, knowing that he had to somewhat give her space but he just wanted her to feel better now. He couldn't have her mad at him – he didn't think he could ever have her mad at him.

"Can we just drop it?" Mia said exasperatedly, clenching her fists. She could feel the tears pooling at her eyes but she didn't know how or why. Everything was hitting her like a ton of bricks and all she wanted to do was roll herself into a blanket burrito and watch all 10 seasons of Friends while ugly crying and cursing Marco.

She hated that he just had this effect on her and she hated how attached she was to him at this point.

Marco watched as Mia desperately tried to calm herself down. He wanted to reach out and pull her into his arms and calm her down himself. He'd probably end up getting yelled at but it didn't really matter to him.

Marco tried reaching out for her when the lights above flickered repeatedly, making the both of them look up confusedly.

Mia quickly looked at the monitor that read the floor number they were on to see it pausing right between the 14th and 15th floor before it turned off completely. Mia started to panic as she realized what was happening.

And then the elevator jolted violently before grinding to a rough halt.



where can i sign up for a FRENCH GUY and MARCO REUS fighting for me damn mia im so hyped right now i ate like 400 cupcakes wow


ok i should probably get some sleep

please comment and vote and tell me what you thought of this chapter!!

happy reading lovelies!xx

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