zweiundzwanzig: i'm with you

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Something I was definitely not used to waking up to was Marco Reus dressed in Deutschland boxers and a Simpsons t-shirt and poking me in the face.

"God, Marco! Get off." I groaned, swatting his hand away from my face. 

"Good, I thought you were dead. I was going to go call for an ambulance." he said before wobbling off on his crutches.

I groaned and stretched my arms above my head before yawning. I ran a hand through my messy brown hair before deciding to tie it up into a bun to sort of tame it.

Marco was chugging down water by the table and stuffing his face with chips. I wasn't sure that was allowed since he was still a professional athlete - but I wasn't going to tell him that now.

"Don't you have sessions with your physical therapist? I overheard the doctor saying you had to have those." I said, walking over to him. He nodded and popped another chip in his mouth.

"I have a session today," he said before looking at the clock. "In a few hours, actually."

"Do you want me to drive you?" I offered.

"Yeah, please." he said quietly. I grabbed my bag and my DVDs before turning towards him, "I'll pick you up in a few hours, I just have to go home and sort out my hair."


"Do you want anything else or are you going to be alright with the chips?" I said with a small smile. 

"I'll be fine, thanks." he said without looking at me.

I frowned but didn't push the matter any further. I said a quick bye to him before slipping out of his house and getting into my car to drive back home.


I turned when I saw Marco hobbling out of his house. I quickly got out of my car and helped him ease into the car, helping him out with the crutches. "I got it, thanks." he said quietly.

I backed up and gave him his space as he got inside my car. I got back into the driver's seat and pulled my seat belt over my chest before driving to the medical center near the Signal Iduna Park.

I made some small talk with Marco but he sounded way too uninterested so I dropped the topic and let the music playing from the radio be the only sound between the both of us.

When we reached the clinic, I turned the car off and helped him out of the seat before following him into the center. I followed him to where he was supposed to go and he checked in with the lady in front.

We sat down in the waiting room and he stayed quiet while playing with his phone. I wanted to ask him what was wrong since he was just fine last night when we were watching the movies, but now his mood had completely dropped.

I was about to reach out and tap him on the shoulder when the lady called for him.

He hoisted himself up with the help of his crutches and limped towards the room, "Do you want me to come with you?" I whispered. He looked at me and shook his head before going inside the room, the doctor closing the door behind him.

I huffed and sat back down on the plastic hospital chairs and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Don't worry about it, dear," the elderly receptionist smiled at me from where she sat behind her desk. "A lot of athletes come through here and they can be cold to their partners sometimes."

"Yeah?" I asked softly.

She nodded, "It's not you, they're just stressed out about the injury. Don't worry about it too much, sweetie."

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