fünfzehn: pre-match talks

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The Olympiastadion was packed with fans already; it was colorful with fans everywhere wearing yellow, black, blue and red colors. They were already chanting club chants loudly and the ground was shaking as they jumped up and down.

 The DFB-Pokal final was finally here, and though the game wasn't for another hour, the fans were already filling up the seats.

 It was an amazing atmosphere, and I couldn't be happier to be here supporting Dortmund.

 "Wow, it is swamped down there." Cathy huffed as she slid into the seat next to me. She was wearing a Hummels jersey while I was wearing a Reus one paired with black skinny jeans and comfortable Nike sneakers.

 "Damn, I think I left my phone with Mats downstairs," Cathy groaned, "Do you want to come down with me? There are some WAGs in the locker room downstairs to wish them good luck and stuff. Maybe you should do the same to Marco?" She offered.

 I nodded and grabbed my bag before following her down the steps. Soon enough, we were in the tunnel that led to the locker rooms. One of the doors had a name plaque that read 'Borussia Dortmund' and I moved to open it when Cathy stopped me.

 "Have you ever been into a boys' locker room, Mia?" she asked me with a smirk. 

I bit my lip and shook my head, "No, I haven't." I confessed.

 "Well, as someone with personal experience and as someone who doesn't want you to be scarred for life, I suggest you follow behind me. Bear in mind that it's full of shirtless men and if you don't want to see...anything, just keep your eyes to the ground until we find Marco." She told me.

 I chuckled and nodded. She shot me a wide smile and took my hand in hers, "Okay, let's go."

 She knocked on the door thrice before entering the locker room. It smelled like deodorant, sweat and freshly mowed grass somehow. It was loud with music that Auba was playing from his iPhone and some of the players were having ice baths and doing pre-match rituals.

 I waved at some of the (thankfully fully-clothed) players who greeted me and before I knew it Cathy had led me to Marco already. "See you back there." Cathy winked before leaving me to be with Mats.

 "Hey," Marco smiled, pulling on his jersey over his head before standing up to give me a small hug. "I'm glad you're here." He told me with a big smile.

 I chuckled, "I'm glad to be here." I replied.

 "So, I just wanted to wish you good luck. I know you'll do great out there." I told him, a big stupid grin playing on my face. He let out a sigh and grabbed his cleats from inside the locker.

 "I hope so." He frowned, putting his shin guards on. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked him, moving to sit beside him.

 He rubbed his face with his hands, "I'm just...really nervous. People think I don't get nervous anymore after nearly 10 years of doing this, but I really am. If we lose this, the fans will be so disappointed." He mumbled.

 The locker room was still loud with music and chants, but all I could hear right now was Marco's voice.

 I gently rested my hand on his shoulder and broke his attention away from his cleats for a while so that he could focus on me. "You know that no matter what happens, the fans will still love you, right?" I told him.

 He closed his eyes and shrugged, "We'll be disappointments to the whole city."

 I shook him slightly and made him look at me, "Reus, you're an amazing player. You'll get the chance again next year even if you don't win, and we'll be right behind you through whatever." I assured him.

 A small smile appeared on his face, his dimples indenting on his cheeks. "Really?" he whispered. I nodded and gently pulled him up so that we were both standing.

 "Forget what the critics said up to this point, okay?" I mumbled, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "All eleven of you are going to get on that pitch and you're going to be amazing."

 I looked up at him, into his hazel green eyes and shot him a tiny smile. "You're going to do great out there, Reus. I believe in you, we all believe in you. Okay?" I whispered so that only he could hear.

 Before I could react, he pulled me swiftly into a hug. My face was nestled into the crook of his neck and his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. I stayed still for a moment before wrapping my arms tightly around him as well.

 I could feel his heartbeat against mine and I could hear his slow steady breaths. I closed my eyes, feeling nothing but pure bliss at this moment. My heart was throbbing in my chest and a swarm of butterflies sprung to life inside my stomach.

 The hug was cut short as I heard Mats calling for Marco. He looked down at me and shot me a smile, "Danke, Mia." He whispered.

 "I'll be the one cheering the loudest, Reus." I told him happily before tip-toeing to peck his cheek quickly. I turned around and waved at the rest of the players, saying quick 'good luck's to them before darting out of the locker room, my cheeks burning madly.


My eyes followed Mia as she left the locker room, sending a small wave towards Erik before she left.

 My cheek was burning from where she just kissed it, and my arms felt like jelly as I realized they were just wrapped around her tiny figure mere moments ago.

 The rest of the team had stupid smiles on their faces that they tried to conceal, though I knew they just saw what happened. "Attaboy, Reus!" Auba yelled loudly, making everyone holler in reply.

 I rolled my eyes at them and joined the big huddle that the boys were having for one final pep talk before the game. After a 10-minute encouraging pep talk and several rude glances from Erik, one of the assistants knocked on our door to let us know that it was time to head out to the pitch.

 As we stood in the tunnel, side by side with the Bayern Munich team, I couldn't help but think back to the words that Mia said to me in the locker room.

 She believed in me.

 I let out a deep breath and looked forward to the green pitch where I could see just a glimpse of the BVB fans, already alert and equipped with their banners and fan merchandise.

 Bayern Munich exited the tunnel first and then we were next, Mats leading us out of the tunnel proudly to the cheers and yells of our fans.

 Immediately, my eyes scanned the stands for Mia. I spotted her standing with Cathy and Tugba, a big smile on her face as she shot me a thumbs up.

 I looked down at my cleats and smiled to myself, the last thing on my mind before kick off being her and only her.


cries loudly bc marco and mia are g0als and they arent even dating

so!! erik's jealous of marco and mia heehee :3 hope you guys liked this chapter, the next one should be pretty interesting ;)

happy reading, my lovelies!

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