siebzehn: sober thoughts

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I let out a soft groan when I opened the door to my comfy, cozy home. I closed the door with my heel and quickly took off my shoes and ran upstairs to my room. I pushed open the door and grinned when I saw the best thing I could think of right now - my bed.

I dropped my duffel bag by the door and quickly jumped onto the bed, hugging my pillows close to me tightly. I let out a content sigh as I closed my eyes.

The flight home from Berlin had been awful - to say it nicely. Everyone was practically like zombies. No one talked much yesterday and the tension was bearing down on everyone. Marco seemed to be happier ever since our second movie night, but you could still see the disappointment in his eyes.

It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon but I was already exhausted. The flight was a long 6 hour one and I was just thankful to be home and in bed.

Before I knew it, my eyelids were drooping down and I fell fast asleep.


I jolted awake when I heard my annoying ringtone that I probably should've changed. It was already dark and I knew that what was supposed to be a small nap had turned into a long, long power nap for me. (As usual.)

I groaned and grabbed my phone, quickly squinting my eyes when I saw the light. I could see the time on the top of my phone - 2:04 AM.

Who could be calling at this hour?

I glanced at the caller ID and rolled my eyes. Of course, Mats had to be the one calling me. I quickly slid my thumb over the phone and put it on loudspeaker so I could hear him and still be laying down.

"Hello?" I rasped out.

"MIA?!" he yelled, making my eyelids snap wide open again. 

"What? What happened?" I asked. He hiccuped and I could hear someone giggling in the background - I knew for sure that wasn't Cathy damn Fischer.

"Mats? Are you with another girl?" I asked him, clutching my phone in my hands tightly. 

Mats burst out into laughter and hiccuped again, "No, Mia."

"Then who was that laughing?" I interrogated.

"It's just Sven," he said, making me smile. I wanted to laugh, but I was still grumpy that someone had woken me up from my sleep. "Yeah, I know he has a girly laugh."

I nodded and laid down again, "Why did you call? Where's Cathy?" I asked him, stifling a yawn.

I heard him shuffling on the other end and him arguing with Sven until he sighed and finally told me why, "Well, I'm pretty drunk right now," he hiccuped loudly, making Sven laugh in the background. "A few of the guys from the team went out for some drinks in the club near the stadium and I swear we only had two drinks - I think - but anyway..." he stopped, making me raise my eyebrow confused. "I think we left Marco behind."

I stayed quiet for a while to wait for the girly laugh that Sven would eventually stop holding in and Mats' laugh followed with a loud hiccup but it never came. Instead, I got a 'Mia? Are you still there?'.

"Mats, are you kidding me?" I groaned, "How can you leave a person behind?" I asked.

"I don't know! Please don't yell at me," he whined, "Can you go and get him?"

I sighed, "Why can't you get him? Where are you?" I asked.

"Home," Mats said before hiccuping again, "I took a taxi and we only realised we left him now." he said.

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, "You left a drunk footballer alone in a club, what if someone kidnaps him? What if paparazzi take pictures of him? Gosh, he could be hurt right now." I murmured worriedly, pacing the floor in anxiousness.

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