vierunddreißig: wildest dreams

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          "Remember what I told you, Mia," Anna started as we stood together in the elevator. "Big smiles, happy faces, and throw some hugs and kisses in there, okay? I know it's going to be hard to be with him, but I swear this is all going to end soon."

The charity event was today and no matter how much I was dreading it, Anna was forcing me to go anyway. Marco was already here in Berlin and we'd be meeting soon. Anna and Vincent wanted us to show up together and look like a happy couple, even though it meant killing me inside.

The elevator doors opened and Anna led me out of the elevator. I followed her through the huge hotel lobby until I saw the back of Marco's head. He was talking to Vincent about something, and I didn't doubt that Vincent was giving him the same talk that Anna gave me before.

"Good evening, gentlemen!" Anna greeted as she leaned forward to give Vincent and Marco short hugs. "Looking sharp, Marco." she complimented him. My eyes briefly caught on to Marco's hazel ones before I looked away, giving Vincent a short hug as well.

"So, you guys know the drill, right? Happy couple. All smiles, no frowning and please - do not fight on the red carpet." Vincent said. Marco and I nodded and Vincent and Anna looked at each other before they both lightly pushed us towards the exit of the hotel.

"Go on and have fun!"


The minute the venue for the charity event came into view, I let out a breath of relief. The car ride was filled with awkward small talk that to be honest, neither of us wanted to put up with. I mentally thanked Anna for booking the hotel so close to the venue so that I wouldn't have to be trapped in the car with him any longer.

"Are you ready for this?" Marco asked me when the car pulled up outside the venue. I looked at him and nodded slowly. He shot me a small smile and turned away to open his car door. I took a deep breath and plastered a smile on my face before opening my own door.

I stepped out of the car and grinned at the fans and the paparazzi there. Marco walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. He waved at some of the people there before we walked down the red carpet and to the place where the paparazzi were gathered to take our pictures.

The moment we stepped onto the center, the paparazzi went wild. They snapped hundreds of our pictures, the flashes blinding me. Marco kept his arm wrapped around my waist while I leaned into his embrace, grinning and waving at some people.

After we were done, Marco and I made our way into the main hall where the event would be taking place. As soon as we were in the dimly lit hall, I let go of Marco's hand and dropped mine back to my side.

"Let's just find our tables." I told him quietly. He stared at me for a moment before nodding. He followed me until we found a table with our name cards on them. Sat around the table were Mario, Mats, Cathy, Manuel, Thomas and Lisa.

"Mia!" Cathy gasped, standing up and rushing over to me as fast as she could in her high heels. I smiled at her and brought her into a hug. She grasped onto me tightly and we hugged silently for a few moments until I pulled away. Before she could say anything else, Mario bounded over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, bestie!" he whisper-yelled into my ear. I laughed and hugged Mario back just as tight.

As we both promised that day in Mainz, we kept in touch after the match against Armenia. He was the first person to talk to me about the cheating articles and he even yelled Marco's ear off about it.

He let go of me and I waved at everyone else seated around the table and they both waved back at me. I sat down in between Marco and Cathy and leaned back on the seat as I waited for the event to start.

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