zwölf: diner date

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"I'm sorry, bro," Pierre snickered from behind Marco and I, "But, that was hilarious." he burst out into laughter, nudging the back of Marco's head with his fist playfully.

As promised, Marco and I had the FIFA battle and most of the guys were on his side, some were even making bets on Marco, saying that he'd get an easy win over me.

  Well, that was until I won 3-1 over him.

"Shut up," Marco groaned, covering his face in embarrassment. As requested, Marco played as Dortmund, saying that it would 'be his lucky charm' and he told me to use FC Barcelona, which I did without an argument. He netted one goal in the first half with his own player, but with goals from 'Messi', 'Rakitic' and 'Neymar' in the second half, I managed to win over him.

"Good game, Reus," I smirked, handing the controller to Roman who still couldn't stop laughing (he was wheezing now). "I look forward to our next one." I teased.

Marco glared at me, "No, that was just good luck! I'll win next time."

I was about to shoot a snarky comment at him when the door to Sven's house opened and the one person I least wanted to see walked in - Daniela.

She had her brown hair tied up in a messy bun atop her head and she was dressed in running shorts, a Nike tank-top along with Nike trainers. "Oh, hi everyone." she smiled, earning a 'hi' back from all the guys.

She looked at me and sent me a small, curt nod which I returned. I turned to look at Cathy who had a scowl on her face. I quickly walked over to her and sat down next to her.

"Ugh, why is she here? Doesn't she have her own place or something?" Cathy murmured under her breath to me. I chuckled and watched her as she sat down beside Marco and gently ran her hand up and down his back.

I let out an exasperated sigh that I didn't even know what for and slumped back onto the couch, earning looks from Sven and Cathy. "Mia, you okay?" Sven asked me. I nodded and Sven raised his eyebrow before joining Cathy and I on the couch.

"Is it Daniela? Is she bothering you?" Sven asked me, making me quickly shake my head. Yeah, she was bothering me but why would I talk to her cousin about it?

Sven chuckled, "Don't worry about me, Mia. I was never too fond of her as well anyway, she was always closer to Lars than she was to me." Sven shrugged, getting a high-five from Cathy straight after that.

I shrugged, "I don't really mind her, I just..." I trailed off, my eyes lingering on Daniela who was now running her hands through Marco's hair. "I don't know. I must be on my mensies."

Cathy rolled her eyes while Sven shot me an amused grin. "Anyway, I think I should head home now. I have to be at Anna's office early in the morning tomorrow." I said.

"I'll drive you," Cathy offered, pulling out the car keys from her pocket. 

"No, no, it's fine. I need the fresh air anyway." I said. She looked at me for a while before reluctantly putting the keys back in her pocket.

She pulled me in for a hug and I hugged Sven too after that. I said goodbye to the boys who were still teasing Marco. I wrapped my scarf around my neck and pulled my coat on before leaving Sven's house.


I gently pushed Daniela's hands away from my hair and I fought back a small groan when I felt her hand running up and down my back.

Ever since she heard that I spent the night at Mia's house, she's been extremely clingy. And truthfully, all I wanted to do whenever she was around was punch a wall.

"Marco?" I heard. Turning, I saw Erik looking at me hopefully. "Can I talk to you?" he asked. I mentally thanked him for getting me away from Daniela. I set my controller down and followed him into the empty kitchen.

"What's up?" I asked. Erik smiled sheepishly at me, "Do you mind if I ask Mia out?" he asked.

I stared at him without any expression at all. I didn't want him to ask her out, but I didn't have a valid reason. He knew that what Mia and I were doing was

I looked back to the kitchen where Daniela was sitting, waiting for me to come back. I looked back at Erik who was waiting for me to answer him.

I wanted to tell him 'no', I wanted to tell him that Mia shouldn't be dating anyone else, but what gave me the right? I couldn't say that since Mia wasn't dating me and she wasn't dating anyone else.

"Okay." I breathed out. Erik jumped up happily, "Great! Thanks, Marco. I really owe you one." he smiled at me before running back to the living room. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair in frustration.


I was walking down the quiet road peacefully when I heard someone screaming my name loudly. I turned around to see Erik barreling full speed towards me.

Before reaching me, he tripped and nearly pushed me over as he fell towards me. "Whoa, Erik." I laughed. He looked up at me and blushed, "Aw, isn't the guy supposed to be the one catching the girl?" he laughed, making me roll my eyes.

"What is it?" I asked him, a small smile on my face. He took a deep breath before looking me straight in the eyes, "Do you...maybe wanna go grab dinner?" he asked me.

I blushed deeply, "...Uh, sure. When?"

He looked around the empty street, "Right now."

"Right now?"

"Spontaneity is good, isn't it?" he grinned cheekily. I smiled at him, "Of course it is." I mused, analyzing all his features. "Then, what do you say we pop on over to a diner and grab some food? It's dark out and I doubt people are out at this time of night anymore." he asked.

I smiled widely at him and nodded, "Well, okay then. Let's go, SexyDurm."


:( marco..........


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