dreizehn: the photo shoot

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"Morning, Mia!" someone chirped happily. I looked up from my phone and squinted my eyes to see my stylist rushing into the dressing room with a big smile on her face as she swung her make-up kit from side to side in her hands.

I chuckled and sat up, "Morning, Ava." I said, stifling a yawn.

One of the cons of being well-known was definitely the early morning photo shoots and video shoots and interviews and talk shows and all that stuff. Basically anything that forced me to wake up before 7:00 AM.

I was currently in the dressing room in a set somewhere just half an hour away from Dortmund. Anna had apparently scheduled me for an interview and photo shoot today and I had to wake up at 5:30 just so we could get on the road and be at the set before 8 AM.

 Am I too young for retirement?

"Come on, lovely," Ava said, pointing at the make-up chair in the middle of the room as someone came into the dressing room wheeling in a rack with all my possible outfits. I groaned softly and lifted myself off the couch and dragged myself towards the chair and plopped down on it.

I had already washed my hair that morning so all Ava had to do now was style it. Apart from being my stylist, Ava was one of my closest friends. I've known her since I started out in the business and she hasn't changed since. She always gave the best advice and she was honestly one of the sassiest and funniest people I know.

"You look like you've been hit by a truck," Ava commented as she looked at me through the mirror. 

I rolled my eyes, "Always the charmer, Ava." I said sarcastically and she shrugged before combing through my hair with one of those straight combs that made you want to cry every time you brushed your hair with it.

"Just doing my job," she hummed. "Anyway, how's Mr. Footballer?" she asked me with a smirk. She knew about the arrangement, so I wondered why she was asking me about Marco.

"He's fine, I guess?" I murmured, making it sound more of a question. "I don't really know, we don't talk a lot." I mused. Ava nodded understandingly as she twisted my hair into a bun.

"What about the other Mr. Footballer?" Ava asked, "You know, the one with the dimples - oh, I've forgotten his name." Ava scowled as she stopped doing my hair to think about the name.

"...Erik?" I asked her and she quickly jumped up before pointing at me through the mirror. 

"That's it! How is he? You told me he caught your eye, didn't you?" she asked me before continuing to tug on my hair.

Erik and my date to the diner had been a pleasant one. There was hardly any people in the diner and nobody noticed us at all. The elderly waitress barely recognized us so I guess it was all good. I don't know where Erik and I stood now, but I do know that he wants something between us but all I want is to keep it slow.

"He's alright," I told her, "He's a little flirt." I chuckled. 

Ava smirked at me before placing her hands on her hips, "Okay, I know what to do. Let's get to work."


After an hour and a half of sitting on my ass on the make up chair, I was finally done with my hair, make-up and my outfit. I thanked Ava and the rest of the crew and walked out of the room ready for the photo-shoot.

"Mia, darling! It's so nice to see you again." the photographer, Nicholas Abello, smiled at me. 

"It's nice to see you too, Nick." I replied as he brought me in for a hug. 

"Why don't we get started right now? Just head on over there." he said, pointing at the space.

I turned around, about to walk towards it when I stopped in my position when I saw who was already standing there.

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