siebenundzwanzig: tour?

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I stifled a yawn as I followed Marco out of the elevator and into Anna's office. He pushed open the door and let me walk in first before following after me.

It was currently 10:30 PM in Dortmund and we just got off the flight from Paris and Anna and Vincent just had to have us in for a meeting straight away.

Again, we loved them but we legit think that they're the spawns of Satan.

"There you are!" Anna smiled before getting up from her chair to greet us. She gave me a small hug and gave Marco an awkward side-hug. Vincent did the same and they told us to sit down in the round table in the center of her office.

"So, how was the trip?" Vincent asked with a big smile on his face.

Neither Anna nor Vincent knew about it and we wanted to keep it that way because honestly they were already making us do things that made us uncomfortable before we even dated for real. If they knew that we were dating for real now, who knew what they'd make us do?

Marco bumped my leg with his and I grinned awkwardly at Anna and Vincent, "It was...great."

Vincent smiled and threw down a few magazines that he pulled out from his briefcase. We looked down at them and I sucked in a breath - People, inTouch, Star and Ok! Magazine. On the cover pages were Marco and I together in Paris.

There were pictures of us going out to dinner, pictures of us walking around Paris, pictures of us in Disneyland and more. The headlines were all positive things (with some rumours here and there, but it was fine so far.)

"Does it honestly say that we're getting married?" I asked, grabbing the inTouch magazine. I flipped towards the page and scanned the article to see the small passage that said that Marco proposed to me on the Eiffel tower and "sources say they can't wait to start planning the wedding."

"This is so funny, I should read magazines more often." I commented.

Anna grabbed the magazine back from me and set it down on the table, "Doesn't matter, Amelia. The point is - Vincent and I want to congratulate the two of you on a job well done."

Vincent nodded with a smile, "It really looks like you guys are in love." he mused. I tensed up and Marco coughed awkwardly beside me. I've had feelings for Marco for a pretty long time but neither of us said anything about it yet. Besides, we've only been dating for a week!

"Anyway," Anna said before pulling out her briefcase and slamming it onto the table, making me wake up a little bit. I sat up in the chair a little bit as I watched the both of them take out papers from their bags.

"Marco, as you know - preseason for Dortmund will be starting in a few weeks and the doctor says your leg will be fully mended by then, so-"

"YEAH!" Marco cheered, making Vincent stop in his tracks and glare at him. "Carry on." Marco laughed cheekily. Vincent shook his head and handed Marco the papers which had the schedules and all the destinations for the preseason matches.

They started talking on their own so Anna turned towards me and shook her head before murmuring 'men' under her breath. She reached inside her briefcase and took a few folders out and slid them over to me.

I glanced down at the folders and nearly choked on my own spit when I saw what was on the cover

'Mia Bauer: 2014-15 World Tour'.

"Wait, what is this?"

"Amelia, you're going on a World Tour!"


"Reus, it's only 2 months." I told him as I followed him around my house. He grumbled and walked away from me.

"Yeah, that's just the first leg, then you have to go to North America which is another month and a half, then to South America, then Asia, then Africa, then New Zealand and Australia!" he huffed.

I was exhausted after the flight and the long meeting and Marco wasn't making it any easier. Also, he was avoiding me every time I mentioned the tour.

"Yeah, Marco. That's what a World Tour is. I'll be back before you know it," I told him as I followed him into my room. He sat down on my bed and frowned at me, "And you'll be busy with the new season anyway. You have the Champions League, don't you?"

He stayed quiet and I sat down beside him.

I didn't really have a choice on whether I could go on tour or not. I would be leaving in a month or so since the tickets needed to be sold and the tour needed to be promoted. I'd start with Germany and I'd go around Europe before eventually leaving to North America.

"We have a month before I leave," I told him, "Let's just spend the remaining time together then." I smiled reassuringly. He looked up at me through his long lashes and shot me a cheeky smile. "Let's do something fun!"

I raised my eyebrow and shot him a small smirk, "What'd you have in mind?"

"You know."

"Netflix and chill?" I joked.

He rolled his eyes sarcastically before connecting his lips with mine. "You're such an idiot," he mumbled against my lips, "You're kinda hot, though."

((a/n: 5sos song reference?))


I sat on the loveseat in my room with my songwriting book on my lap and a pencil wedged between my fingers. I was wearing Marco's sweater and it was a few sizes too big for me but I liked it - it smelled like him

I was nearly done, I just needed a few more stanzas and I'd be good to go.

I looked up from the white pages and at Marco who was on my bed. He was snoozing softly, his eyes closed with his arms spread out around him on the bed. He looked so peaceful and it made my heart leap at the sight.

I glanced down at the book and began jotting down the last stanza.

'This feels like falling in love. Falling in love - we're falling in love.'


hold up !! copyright infringement or something idrk how they say it but i just stole the song from ginger Jesus aka ed christopher sheeran!! i love him to bits and pieces x1000

so this chapter was b o r i n g  but the next one should be pretty fun i guess i hope

and yall know what netflix and chill means ;)

OKAY that was awkward

so please comment and tell me what you thought and please vote too :)

dedicated to germuny bc she gave me the idea :3 mehehe give her a follow!!

happy reading lovelies!xx

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