fünfundzwanzig: the contract

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3rd person

"Crap!" Mia breathed out as she fumbled for her phone only to see the words 'NO SIGNAL' glaring up at her tauntingly. She quickly pressed the emergency button on the panel but the light was just reduced to a dim glow and she knew that they were screwed for real. "Reus, help me." Mia whimpered as she repeatedly pressed the button. 

Marco looked down at his phone to see 'NO SIGNAL' too. He pocketed his phone and looked up at Mia who looked like she was on the verge of tears. "Mia, calm down. We'll be fine." Marco said, reaching out for her but she only flinched from his touch.

"No, we're not! We are strapped in a metal box hundreds of feet from the ground." she said, trying to stop her hands from quivering. As if on cue, they heard a knocking on the metal surface of the elevator from the outside.

"Hello, is there anyone inside?" someone with a French accent asked. 

"Yeah, there's two of us here." Marco replied, trying to figure out where the source of the sound was coming from. 

"The elevator's definitely stuck, but we'll be able to get you out soon. We just need you to hang on for a few more moments."

"How long will that take?" Mia asked, looking around the elevator. 

"We're not sure, but it might take quite a long time since the handyman is still on the way. You'll be fine, we can guarantee it."

Mia sunk down and leaned against the wall, hugging her knees close to her chest. Marco mirrored her actions and sit down against the wall opposite from hers. He couldn't see much in the dim lighting but he could tell that Mia was terrified.

"Mia, come here," Marco said, earning a swift eye roll from her. "Mia, come on."


"Mia, stop being so stubborn. I know you're freaking out, just come here. I won't try anything - I swear." Marco said, holding his two hands up. Mia stayed quiet for a moment before caving in, she finally moved closer to Marco and settled in the space beside him.

"I guess I should take the time to apologize for what happened back there," Marco said slowly, "I know I was a jerk and a dick and an asshole and basically every insult you can think of right now, but...I just couldn't see you with him."

Mia furrowed her brows, feeling the heat rise up to her cheeks (not in a good way) and she looked at Marco. "What are you talking about? The only time you talked to him was when you argued." she scoffed.

Marco gritted his teeth, knowing it wouldn't be easy to talk to Mia about this. "I know, Mia. I just think you deserve better than some lousy French dude."

Mia rolled her eyes and clenched her fists, "You don't get to tell me who to hang out with and besides, you were chatting up little Ms. Universe back there and I had to do nothing but watch!"

The tension was high in the elevator and both of them were at the peak of snapping at any moment.

"I don't think of her as anything," Marco whispered from beside Mia, "She's nothing compared to you anyway."

Mia felt her cheeks flush as she felt her hand brushing against Marco's when he said it. "But-" Mia started only to be cut off by Marco taking her hand in his, lacing his fingers through hers.

"Wait, I'm not done yet."

Mia stifled a giggle at the adorable look of concentration and determination on his face that she just nodded and let him say whatever else he had to say.

"Okay, Mia. Seeing you talk to that French guy got me really angry and I know that I absolutely have no right in telling you what to do but - I get jealous. A lot of times. I get jealous at the most absurd things but that's just who I am," he breathed out, looking deep into Mia's blue eyes. "And I know that tonight didn't go the way that you wanted it to go but...damn it, Mia. When you laugh or smile it makes me feel a certain way and you're so, so, so beautiful that any guy would be lucky to have you and I know they'd treat you better than I ever will."

Mia felt the tears well up at her eyes as Marco moved his other hand to lightly cup her face, tracing his thumb over her cheekbones. "What I'm saying is I never meant to hurt you through all this and if you want me to, I will find Frenchie and apologize to him if it'll make you happy. And I won't do anything to stand in the way of your relationship with him - if there is going to be one," he said, "In conclusion here's me saying that I like you. I really, really, really like you. So much."

Mia sniffled and she felt a tear roll down her rosy red cheeks, which Marco was quick to wipe away. "That's all." he said before letting go of her.

Mia wiped her cheeks and shot Marco a weak smile, "You dork. Why'd you have to say all that sweet stuff? I can't compete with that."

Marco grinned widely as he realized what she was saying. Both their hearts were racing quicker than ever and Marco knew what he had to do.


"Yes, Reus?"

"Will you..." he paused and blushed madly, running a hand through his hair and giving it a tousled up look, "Fuck, I'm nervous - okay, will you be my girlfriend?" 

Mia's lips formed into an adorable 'o' before it molded into a big smile. Before she could say anything, Marco told her to wait. "Hold on, do you have paper?"

Mia furrowed her brows, looking at him confused. "Paper? No. But, I have tissue." she trailed off awkwardly, grabbing the thick wad of tissues from her purse. "That will do, I guess." Marco said before taking it from her.

He pulled out a pen from his pocket before writing something down quickly on the tissues. Mia tilted her head, trying to glance over his shoulder at what he was doing. After nearly five minutes of writing, Marco finally sat up normally and handed her the tissues.

Mia skeptically looked down at it and started reading the handwriting on the crinkled paper.

"This is a new contract stating that Marco Reus and Amelia Bauer will now be in a relationship for as long as they want.

Marco will:

· Support Mia through everything

· Be her best friend

· Be there wherever and whenever she needs him

· Buy as many pints of ice cream as she wants

· Watch as many chick flicks as she wants with her

· Take her everywhere she wants to go

· Be the best boyfriend she could ever ask for

· He won't break her heart.

"Signing underneath will mean that the contract will officially be taking place."

Mia clasped her hand over her mouth as she looked at Marco who was nervously looking back at her. "You know, since we started this thing through contracts we should...start over again with contracts," Marco said shyly. "Or you don't have to sign it - I mean, that's cool."

Mia took the pen from him and signed the contract. "Super cliche, Reus. But I like it." Mia smiled, sliding back the tissues towards him.

Her boyfriend. Her real boyfriend.

Marco grinned and bundled her up into his arms before finally connecting their lips together. This time it wasn't forced. No one was watching. No one told them to. It was what they've both secretly been waiting for this whole time.

And it felt great.



happy reading lovelies!xx

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