zwanzig: 43'

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"Let's go Deutschland!" Ann-Kathrin yelled loudly from beside me, making me chuckle at her. I was wedged between Ann and Cathy and all the other WAGs were sitting around us.

The stadium was already live with German and Armenian fans. The game was going to start in a few minutes and I was already excited. Marco was a starter for the match and I was especially pumped since this was my first time watching Marco play for the national team.

After the anthems and the coin toss, the game kicked off. Germany had possession of the ball most of the time, but the score was still tied at 0-0.

"Damn, I hope someone scores in the next half." Ann mused, biting her lip as she focused on the pitch. 

"I'm sure they will." Cathy replied.

I ran a hand through my dark hair as I heard the referee blow the whistle. I glanced at the clock to see it stuck on the 43rd minute, why was he stopping the game now?

"Shit." I heard someone say from behind me. I focused on the pitch to see the referee running towards someone on the ground. I quickly paled as I realized that it was Marco.

He had his eyes shut tightly with his hand reaching out for his ankle. He kept his head down on the grass as he called out in pain.

I felt my stomach drop as I covered my mouth with my hands, which were trembling. "Come on, Marco. Get up..." I whispered silently to myself. Cathy rubbed my back comfortingly as the stadium fell silent.

I watched as Mats, Andre, Thomas and Philipp ran towards Marco. Philipp knelt down on the ground and inspected Marco's ankle while Andre talked to Marco, trying to comfort him.

I could barely hear Philipp yelling for the medics on the sidelines over the sound of my heart beating so quickly in my chest. Two medics ran over to Marco and they inspected his ankle.

After asking him a few more questions, the medics helped Marco up with the help of Andre and Mats.

Marco kept his head down to the ground as he limped off the pitch, looking completely devastated.

"He's going to be alright, Mia." Cathy told me, still rubbing my back. 

"I have to go down there." I whispered. 

Cathy looked at Ann and they both nodded, "I think he'll be at the hospital, but maybe you can still catch him in the tunnel." Ann told me.

I nodded and grabbed my stuff before bolting down the stands and into the tunnel after flashing the security guard my ID. I grinded to a halt when I saw one of the medics previously on the pitch walking in front of me.

"Excuse me sir," I called out. 

He turned around and shot me a sympathetic smile, "Marco's girlfriend?"

I nodded hesitantly and the medic sighed, "He's in the hospital, his injury's pretty serious and he was in a lot of pain. They left already, but you can visit him there."

The medic told me the name of the hospital and I thanked him before leaving to hail a cab. I got in quickly and told the cabbie the address of the hospital and leaned back in my seat, trying to steady my trembling hands.


I nervously paced back and forth in front of the hospital room as the doctors ran their tests on Marco. Some tears had slipped my eyes in sheer panic and the shock of what had just happened.

The smell of the hospital was slowly getting to me and I was getting lightheaded from all the overthinking I was doing. I plopped down on the hard, plastic pink chair in the waiting room and kept my head in my hands.

I waited on the chair for a few moments and soon after, the doctors came out of the room. I stood up quickly and looked at all of them, "Is he alright?" I asked them.

One of the doctors looked at me sympathetically, "You can go inside and ask him yourself, dear." She said before she ushered all the other doctors away from the room.

I took a deep breath before pushing open the door. Marco was on the bed, still in his full kit. He had one arm over his eyes and the other one resting by his side.

He was breathing in and out quietly and gently that I was too afraid to talk to him. Instead, I sat down on the chair beside his bed and took his hand in mine gently, rubbing my thumb over his.

He took his arm off his eyes and I looked into them, my heart dropping to the pit of my stomach as I realized he's been crying. His eyes were red and the tears had left damp trails down his red cheeks.

"2 months," Marco whispered. "I'm missing the World Cup, Mia." He finally choked out. He sounded so fragile, like he'd burst into tears at any moment. I could tell he was trying to hold them in, just like he did after BVB lost to Bayern during the DFB-Pokal final.

"It's another 4 years for me." he whimpered.

I stopped rubbing my thumb over his and held his hand tightly. "Hey, you're going to be alright, Reus." I whispered. "These things happen to people, but you're going to be just fine."

He sniffled and wiped away a tear that slipped out of his eye. "I was so close and I was so excited." He murmured.

I felt a few tears of my own leak out of my eyes as I watched him wipe away his own tears.

"I'm so sorry, Marco," I told him, "They're going to take good care of you. You'll be alright. Listen, you have the whole team behind have your family, you have your friends, you have me. We're all going to be here for you."

He shot me a pained smile and let go of my hand. He winced and held himself up before making space on the hospital bed. "Hey, do me a favor?" he asked.

"Sure." I nodded.

"Can you just...lay with me for a while?" he said, keeping his hazel eyes fixed on mine.

I nodded and got up from the chair and gently got on the bed next to him, careful not to hurt his injured leg. Before I rested against the pillows, I could feel Marco's arm wrapping around my shoulder as he pulled me into him.

I settled into his arms, resting my head on his chest like I did all those times before.

"Hey, Mia?"

"Yes, Reus?"

"You'll be here for me, right?"

"Of course I will."



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