sieben: sven's party [part two]

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  I backed away from the doorway and turned around when I ran straight into someone. "Oh, sorry." I murmured weakly before stepping back slightly.

  Erik looked down at me concernedly, "Mia? Are you okay?" he asked me. I bit my lip and nodded.

  Erik looked at the doorway and his face dropped and he looked back at me. "Oh..." he whispered. "Did you see-" I cut him off and nodded before quickly saying, "It's okay, it's not like I'm his real girlfriend or anything."

  Erik shot me a sympathetic look. "Still, I don't think you should've seen that." he murmured.

  I shook my head, "Don't worry about it, Erik. I don't mind, honestly." I said. A part of me really didn't mind but some part of me wanted to go into that kitchen, tear that girl off him and tell her that I'm his girlfriend.

  But I would most likely get a restraining order.

  "It's a bit crowded here, do you want to sit down with me for a minute?" he asked me over the loud music and shouts from the players. I nodded and he gently took my hand in his before leading me to an empty couch in the corner of the house. He sat down first and I sat down next to him.

  "Is that his girlfriend?" I blurted out.

  Erik looked at me confused, "Sorry?" he asked. "That girl in the kitchen, is she Marco's real girlfriend?" I asked him. Erik shook his head and took a sip of his drink.

  "She's Sven's cousin, Daniela. She comes around the stadium and watches our matches sometimes, but I don't think that they're dating."

  I nodded and tapped my fingers on the couch. "He's not usually that kinda guy, Mia," Erik told me as he gave me a small pat on my back. "He doesn't usually just hook up with girls."

  I nodded again, "It's okay, Erik. I don't really mind. Again, it's not like we're dating for real or anything." I whispered the last part. After sitting with him in silence for a while, I stood up and shot Erik a small smile. "Well, I should get going. If you see Marco, could you tell him that I headed home?" I asked Erik.

  Erik tilted his head, "Didn't he drive you here?"

  I bit my lip and nodded. "It's fine, though. I can catch a cab home. I don't want to trouble him anymore." I said.

  Erik chuckled and stood up before putting his hand into his pocket and taking out his keys. "Like I'm going to let you walk home. It's late, Mia."

  "Erik, you don't have to." I mumbled.

  He smirked, "Mia, if my mother found out that I let a girl walk home at 11 PM, she'd beat me with a stick and disown me. Now, come on." he said before lightly putting his hand on the small of my back and leading me outside the house.

  I blushed as he opened the door of his car for me first. I thanked him and got in while he ran around the car and got in the driver's seat. I told him the address of my house and he began driving as we listened to light music coming from the radio.

  We made small talk as he drove and I didn't know why, but I felt like I could just tell Erik everything and anything. I wanted to ask him more questions about Daniela and Marco, but that would just make me look like I was jealous and I didn't want that right now.

  Erik pulled up outside my house after a while and I let out a short breath. "Thanks a lot, Erik." I smiled at him. He nodded and I leaned over the console and gave him a small kiss on the cheek before I even realized what the hell I was doing.

  My cheeks instantly reddened - as always - and I waved at him before getting out of the car and running quickly into the house. After I closed the door behind me, I slid down the door and ran a hand through my hair as I tried to process what just happened.


  The next day, I woke up having a slight hangover and I decided to take a shower to try and ease the pain. But right in the middle of my amazing warm shower, Anna decided to call and tell me to rush to the office.

  So here I was - in the elevator, running a hand through my damp hair and cursing Anna. Honestly, sometimes I loved her and sometimes I wondered if she was the spawn of satan.

  The elevator doors opened and I got out, waving at the receptionist at the front before walking into Anna's office. Just as I expected, Marco was sitting down on the couch as he watched a James Bond movie on Anna's TV. Vincent and Anna were going over some paperwork, and they all turned to look at me when they heard the door opening.

  Marco shot me a small smile, but I quickly looked up and hoped he didn't see me making eye contact with him. "What's going on?" I asked Anna quickly. She pointed at the couch where Marco was sitting and I slowly sat down on it.

  Vincent and Anna were still going over some stuff so I waited for them to finish while I watched the movie Marco chose on the TV.

  "Hey, you left early last night." he said.

  I nodded, but I didn't say anything else.

  "Why didn't you ask me to drive you home? I could've done it instead of Erik." he added.

  I rolled my eyes at him and I hoped he didn't see me. "Yeah, sure." I said.

  He turned down the volume of the movie and tugged on my arm. I turned to look at him and he shot me a confused look. "What's that supposed to mean?" he asked me.

  I shrugged, "I don't know. I guess I didn't want to interrupt your little...make-out session."

  His face paled and I nodded before turning away from him. "Mia, you saw that?" he asked me.

  I nodded, "You were in the kitchen. Anyone could've seen you, Marco." I hissed.

  He leaned back on the couch and ran a hand through his hair. "Look, I'm sorry. I was tipsy."

  "And yet you offered to drive me home."

  "No, that - uh, I...that came out wrong. Listen, I'm sorry you had to see that. Okay? But, we aren't dating." he told me. I looked down at my hands and nodded, but I couldn't help but feel a little bit hurt at what he said.

  But what he said was the truth, Mia. Why are you even feeling these things?

  "Right," I murmured. I quickly cleared my throat and nodded, "You're right. The contract said nothing about us dating people outside this arrangement."

  Marco nodded, "So...let's make an agreement right now. We can date other people outside this arrangement as long as we keep it a secret." he told me. I bit my lip as I looked into his eyes. I looked down at his outstretched hand and I nodded.

  "Okay. Deal."


sooooo marco and mia can both date other people now :) hope you guys liked this chapter <3 dont forget to comment and vote :* xx

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