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Dedicated to CelticCutie and Pokespe8Lover

Ruby woke up to find his hair dyed white. It wasn't a hat. His hair was literally dyed white. Nobody would really notice, but Ruby hated it.

"Aah!" No matter how many times Ruby washed his hair, it refused to come out. His skin was starting to look like a prune.

That's it, he thought. Time for revenge.

Naturally, Ruby assumed it was Gold. The biggest prankster in the universe.


Gold woke up the next morning and found out his hair was gray.

"Oh, somebody is going to pay for this!" Gold loved his hair almost more than Ruby did.

Gray, he thought. Silver. It must have been Silver!

Calmly, Gold walked to the store and bought some hair dye.


Silver had black hair. He wouldn't have really minded, but whoever dyed his hair cut it too. By three whole inches.

Silver had always had long hair. It had helped keep him warm when he lived with the Mask of Ice. It was his trademark!

Crystal had always been telling him to cut it. Silver began planning his revenge.


Crystal normally was a very level-headed person. She was also very rational too. But when she woke up to find her hair dyed blonde of all things, she lost it.

Blonde was the color of a certain boy she lov- I mean despised. It was nearly the same as his name.

Of course, Crystal assumed it was Blue. Gold was too dumb to have pulled it off, and Blue took fashion seriously.

Crystal's fury is something you do not want to be on the receiving end on.


Blue had blue hair. It matched her name, and that screamed tacky.

Blue instantly figured out who it was. It was obviously Sapphire. The dye job was terrible and didn't even reach the end of Blue's hair. Sapphire had better watch out.


Meanwhile, Red, Emerald, and Sapphire were playing a card game on Mt.Silver.

Sapphire shuddered. "Do you guys have a bad feeling?" she asked. Red shook his head.

"No," Emerald said. "Do you wanna hear something funny I did to Ruby?"

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