Ruby's Bullies

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Ruby didn't like school.

It wasn't like he didn't like learning, or the classes were hard. Ruby was bullied.

Saving the region didn't warrant being left alone. Having a girly name like Ruby and being different was enough to get bullied.

Ruby didn't mind that much the first time. But finding his gym clothes dyed pink was enough to send anyone over the edge.

"Hey Prissy! Those clothes really suit you!" yelled Davis, one of Ruby's tormentors.

Ruby forced a smile. They just want a reaction, he thought. Don't give them one.

After gym, Ruby found his backpack covered with glitter and sequins.

"Nice bag," said Marco, one of Davis's friends.

The corners of Ruby's mouth twitched. Ignore them and they'll eventually go away. Even though it has been years.

When Ruby first changed his personality, his friends and teachers thought it had to do with him getting hit in the head. But after a few months, the bullying started. It had taken all of Ruby's willpower not to sic Nana on them.

Now, Ruby was glad they were only messing with his stuff. He just had to finish high school and it would be over.


"What the heck happened to your bag?" asked Sapphire. She was the lucky one. She got to be homeschooled.

"Art class incident," said Ruby. No way was he going to tell Sapphire of all people he was getting bullied.

Sapphire scrunched up her face. She frowned and said,"If you say so."



Sapphire had a hunch Ruby was getting bullied.

Art class incident, really? Ruby had a bad tendency to lie, but that was ridiculous!

Sapphire's first thought was to tell an adult. But wouldn't Ruby have already done that? That boy was too prideful for his own good.

No, Sapphire would have to do this on her own.

The next day, Sapphire spied on Ruby at school. She had to know what she was dealing with. And being homeschooled by an absented minded professor father gave her a very flexible schedule.

She watched as Ruby sat on a tack, found his books drawn on, and get his homework torn up.

Sapphire sighed. At least they weren't beating him up.

She took notice of the boys. Ruby could easily beat them in a battle. Now all she needed to do was set it up. If the boys feared Ruby, they wouldn't bully him. They saw Ruby as a weakling and a coward. Ruby needed more fear in his image.

Sapphire knew just the person to help.

"Are you sure Ruby wants help?" asked Blue over the pokegear.

"Positive. He's just too prideful to admit it."

"Fine, I'll help. But you will owe me."


"Are you okay with blackmail?" asked Blue.

Sapphire hesitated. She didn't want to stoop down to their level.

"Any other option?" Sapphire asked.

"I guess battling them would work."

"Thanks," said Sapphire, and ended the call.



Something was wrong. None of Ruby's stuff had been messed with. Nobody had called him names.

In fact, the kids in class seemed scared of him. Ruby assumed it had to do with Sapphire's triumphant smile, but didn't ask. Why ruin a good thing?


Hello! These will be extremely short. 13thLegend does not own Pokémon. Thank you!

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