Red's Challenges

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"Red, I challenge you to a battle!" yelled the little boy. It was four in the morning and the kid wanted to fight.

"I'm sorry," said Red. "But the nearest gym is in Viridian City." He yawned.

"I don't care!" yelled the boy. "I want to fight the Champion!"

"Then you'll have to beat the Elite Four and the Gym Leaders."

According to the new League regulations, the Champion could only be fought AFTER defeating the Elite Four.

"But I want to fight now!"

Red twitched. People like this had been coming to his house for years. Even though Lance was Champion now, people still regarded Red as Champion. Not many people liked Lance, especially since he tried to destroy Kanto.

"Fight Lance then you can fight me, okay?" said Red.

"But he's not the real Champion!"

"He is."

"He isn't."

"He is."

"He isn't!"

"Listen, I need to sleep and so do my Pokémon. If we're tired, it isn't a fair fight, is it?"

The little boy shook his head.

"I'll fight you in the morning, okay?"

The little boy nodded.

"Now go on home."

The boy ran home.

Red shut the door and went to his room. He collapsed onto his bed.

At first, Red had fought every person that challenged him. He even had to give up going to college (to many people wanted to fight him, including the teachers). Now, he just didn't have the time. He needed to think about the future. Red quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, Red woke up to the sound of his doorbell. He groaned and got out of bed. He had made it a habit to sleep in his day clothes.

When he opened the door, there stood Blue, Green, and Yellow. Blue had a huge smile on her face, which wasn't always a good thing.


"Are we here?" finished Blue. "We found a solution to your challenge problem!"

Red had told all his friends about his problem, but none of their ideas had worked. Especially Crystal's idea of suing all the challengers for harassment and trespassing.


"The solution is to test challengers before they get to you," said Yellow.


"We know hardly any go to the gyms so we found a more natural way to do it," said Green.


"How, you ask," said Blue,"is to get natural obstacles."

"Where," Red waited for one of them to interrupt him,"can you find those?"

"Mt.Silver," said his friends in unison.

It had been 3 weeks since Red had moved to Mt. Silver. He had started packing after he had fought the little boy (he had won, obviously), moved, and loved it immediately. The Pokémon liked the change of scenery as well.

Although his mother had objected at first, she soon relented. She too was tired of the midnight challengers.

Now, challengers could only come if they braved the steep mountain and powerful wild Pokémon. That narrowed them down.

And even though the other Dex Holders complained about the cold (even the ones who came up with the idea), Red always smiled when he saw them coming. He could get used to this.

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