Candy at Green's

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"Oh Arceus." Green looked at the wrecked room. "I was gone for three hours, and this is what happens?"

The floor of the room was covered in Skittles, the walls were covered in crazy drawings, Pokemon were passed out, and the trainers were nervously looking at him. At least, Sapphire and Pearl were. Gold was unconscious.

Actually, Green was lucky his house wasn't on fire. He had called the people with fire starters over to his house to practice the ultimate fire type move. Green received a call from Daisy asking for help, so he had to leave.

What happened after he left was pure chaos.


"Woah, what's this?" Gold said, opening one of the kitchen cabinets.

"Senior Gold! Senior Green wouldn't like you looking through his stuff!" hissed Pearl who was looking over his shoulder as if Green could appear behind him any second.

"Ya should stop," said Sapphire. "He'll make us do extra laps with our Pokemon."

"You might want to see this!" yelled Gold. Pearl and Sapphire walked over to the kitchen and gasped. Two entire cabinets were filled with candy.

Pearl gulped. "Senior Green sure has a sweet tooth. Almost bigger than Dia's."

The candies were actually presents from fangirls. Green didn't want to waste food, so he kept them for Daisy, who loved sweets.

Just then, Gold's stomach rumbled. Green had put them all on a special training diet.

Gold smirked. "Anybody hungry?"

"N-No way," Pearl said. His eyes kept stared at the candy, then Gold. "He'll kill us."

Sapphire loudly crunched a chip. "So? He'll kill us anyway."

"For what?" asked Pearl.


"Yolo!" yelled Gold as he opened a bag of chocolate chips.

"We shouldn't-" Gold stuffed a giant marshmallow in Pearl's mouth. The blonde-haired boy chewed. He was going to be killed anyway, so he might as well eat.

"My partners should eat too!" Gold let out all his Pokemon. Sapphire and Pearl let out theirs. Only the ones that would fit in the room, of course.

Gold's Typhlosion, Exbo, roared when he found a huge pack of skittles. Gold tossed them into the air and they scattered across the room.

Pearl started laughing crazily as he drew on the walls with whipped cream. Sapphire decided to let out her sadness over Ruby with a bucket of ice cream.

"W-Why doesn't he remember?!?" she cried, scooping a large spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

It went that way for about three hours. Gold passed out halfway though.

-End Flashback-

And that was how Green found them.

"It was Gold's idea!" said Sapphire, pointing at the unconscious boy. Pearl nodded. He would have said the same thing, but his mouth was full of gummy Ursarings.

Green slowly walked over to the cabinet, took out a bag of chips, and sat on the couch. Sighing he said, "Whatever."

The chaos resumed.

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