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Red was talking less, Yellow noticed. It probably had to do with the whole living on a mountain with only animals thing.

"Any really good challengers?" Yellow would say.


" ... Anybody interesting?"


"Anything at all?"


Yellow and Gold were the only people willing to go on weekly trips up the mountain. Everybody else went about once or twice a month.

The silence was first discovered by Gold.

"Yo, sorry we're late," Gold said. "You won't believe what happened at the Daycare."

Red nodded.

"So I was sitting there at the register, like always. The pokemon are sleeping peacefully. Then all of a sudden this trainer comes in."

Red nodded again.

"She's all angry that her pokemon haven't laid any eggs. How is that my fault? Anyway, she starts complaining about how our prices are ridiculous. Then another trainer comes in with the egg Gramps just gave him. That's when the girl goes ballistic- are you even listening?"

Red nodded.

"Did you know Emerald had a growth spurt? Two whole inches!"

Red nodded.

"Blue and some guy are dating."

Red nodded.

Gold looked down at his pokegear. "Green crushed the guy's spirit in a gym battle and then the guy broke up with Blue. Silver says she's happy her Greenie cares so much."

Red nodded.

Gold's eye twitched. "Ruby just joined a football team," he lied.

Red nodded.

"Sapphire wears makeup."

Red nodded.

"Yellow's dating Lance."

A look of pure fury appeared on Red's face, but he said nothing.

Gold called Green immediately. Red not saying anything was serious, especially if he didn't say anything about Yellow dating. The gym leader was up the mountain in ten minutes on his Charizard.

"Red, talk," Green commanded.

Red shook his head and pointed to his throat. A vein bulged in Green's forehead. Gold quietly munched on the popcorn he had asked Green to bring.

Green sighed. "What happened? Some challenger get angry and poison you?"

Through various gestures, Red explained what happened to him. He was interrupted multiple times by Gold's wild guesses, but Green managed to get the message.

Turns out, Red was doing it to improve his image. Blue told him that it would scare the challengers away. She also told him that silent types were very popular. Red didn't get the last part, but it seemed more kids were mustering up the courage to climb Mt. Silver.

Besides, it was kind of fun. Him and his pokemon were understanding each other better too.

Gold and Green told him exactly what they thought.

"Red, you're too gullible. Have you not learned after Arceus knows how many years?" said Green, massaging the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "Blue likes messing with you."

"It's lame," stated Gold. "You're not built for that kind of personality. Maybe in some wacky parallel universe, but not here. And people call me an idiot ..."

"Sorry," mumbled Red.

Green climbed back onto Charizard. "I have to get back to the gym." Green soon disappeared out of sight.

"And I know what we can do in the meantime," said Gold. "Battle!"

Red nodded.

"Actually, you being quiet is kind of cool."


"Noisy woman. Take your own advice and be quiet," Green said. Blue had (once again) found her way through the maze.

"Aw, Greenie, you found out?" Blue giggled. "Guess I'll have to find some other way to get one of my favorite OTPs together."

"I don't even want to know what you've done to your other shippings."

The girl gave Green a wink. "Oh, you'll know soon, Greenie."

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